中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2. An overview of NSECS1.2.1 The concepts and structures of NSECS1.2.2 The guiding functions of NSECS1.2.3 The diversity of teaching materials under NSECS1.3 PEP version vs BNUP version1.3.1 Characteristics of two versions of textbooks1.3.2 The significance of the textbooks evaluation1.4. The status of lexicon in foreign language learning1.5 Rationale for the research1.6 Research questions1.7 The outline of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Foreign research on word frequency2.1.1 Studies on the efficacy of word cards/word lists2.1.2 Studies on word frequency2.1.2.1 The 2,000-word threshold2.1.2.2 The 3,000-word threshold2.1.3 Three general influential frequency lists2.1.3.1 The British National Corpus2.1.3.2 The Brown Corpus2.1.3.3 The General Service List2.1.4 Two influential academic word lists2.1.4.1 The UWL2.1.4.2 The AWL2.1.5 Summary2.2 Domestic research on word frequency2.2.1 Review of papers from CNKI2.2.2 Information from other sources2.2.3 Summary and research questionsChapter Three An Empirical Study3.1 Research design3.1.1 Nature of the design3.1.2 Research materials3.1.2.1 The word list of the NSECS3.1.2.2 The word lists of the two text book versions3.1.2.3 Word frequency lists3.1.2.4 NMET specification manual3.2 Data preparation and analysis3.2.1 Setting up norms3.2.1.1 Reasons for the incorporation of various frequency word lists3.2.1.2 The primary vocabulary for Chinese senior students3.2.1.3 The academic vocabulary for Chinese senior students3.2.1.4 The basic vocabulary size for Chinese senior students3.2.2 Statistical techniques3.3 Data collectionChapter Four Results for the Empirical Study4.1 The primary and academic words for senior students4.1.1 The primary vocabulary size for graduation level4.1.2 The correlation of Level 1 and NL7, Level 2 and NL84.2 Word frequency distribution characteristics of the NSECS4.3 Quantitative results about NMET Specification Manual4.3.1 Word frequency and vocabulary distribution4.3.2 Lexical compatibility degree4.4 Quantitative results about the lexical distribution4.4.1 Vocabulary size, and words within and beyond the NSECS4.4.2 A general lexical distribution of NL7 and NL8 in two versions4.4.3 A word frequency distribution of two textbook versions4.4.4 Words in NL7 and NL8 and high frequency counts4.5 SummaryChapter Five Conclusions5.1 Major findings5.1.1 The threshold vocabulary for the Chinese senior students5.1.2 Rational high frequency vocabulary of the NSECS5.1.3 The irrational situation caused by the NMET5.1.4 Characteristics of lexical distribution of two textbook versions5.2 Pedagogical implications5.2.1 Understanding of compatibility5.2.2 Solution to the reality of incompatibility5.2.3 Development of test and evaluation5.2.4 Improvement of teaching materials5.2.5 Promotion of vocabulary instruction5.3 Limitations and suggestionsReferencesAcknowledgements
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标签:英语课程课标论文; 考试说明论文; 教材论文; 高频词论文;