本次行动研究旨在证实基于大学英语课堂教学培养学习者自主学习能力的可行性及有效性。培养学生自主学习能力,一般会从六个方面或角度进行研究:资源、课程大纲、教师、学生、教学科技以及课堂。本研究把培养大学生英语自主学习能力放在大学英语课堂教学实践中进行,一方面试图检验促进自主学习能力已有的教学模式,探索更有效的课堂教学模式,为目前许多综合性大学缩短大学英语基础课程的课时这一改革的可行性提供支持;另一方面也是为基于课堂的自主学习能力培养有效性提供参考。本研究以宁波大学教师教育学院英语专业(小学教育方向)074班(后面简称074班)43名学生及艺术传媒学院音乐教育专业071班(后面简称071班)30名学生为研究对象,进行为期一学年的英语学习者自主学习能力培养的行动研究。行动研究分两个阶段,第一阶段即第一学期,主要是将庞维国(2003)提出的自主学习指导教学的一般模式分别应用到074班大学英语(3),071班大学英语(2)两门课程教学中。在第二阶段,根据师生双方对第一阶段的教学模式实施效果的评价分析,把这一教学模式的某些具体环节作了一些调整,然后接着在074班的大学英语(4),071班的大学英语(3)两门课程中实践这一教学模式。该研究使用的工具和方法包括:问卷调查、课堂观测、部分学生访谈、学生对每单元学习做出的反思、学习档案夹、测试、SPSS 14.0统计软件等。通过对所收集资料的定性与定量分析,结果表明:(1)庞氏促进自主学习的教学模式能发展大学英语学习者学习自主学习能力;(2)该教学模式适用于不同学生自主学习能力的培养;(3)该模式某些环节能再改进,产生更好的模式;(4)学习者自主学习能力得到发展的同时,大学英语教学效果佳。从而,这一行动研究实践证明了基于课堂教学的自主学习能力培养是可行的。
摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 The significance of the research1.2 The structure of this thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Definitions and concepts2.1.1 Comparing learner autonomy with other terminologies2.1.2 Learner autonomy and autonomous learning2.1.3 Components of learner autonomy2.1.4 Classroom-based approaches2.2 Theoretical basis of learner autonomy2.2.1 Humanistic psychology2.2.2 Cognitive constructivism2.2.3 Vygotsky’s theory of the self-guidance function of private speech2.2.4 Information processing theory2.3 A general review of the studies on developing learner autonomy2.4 Previous studies on developing College English learners’learner autonomy through classroom-based approaches2.5 Pang Weiguo’s classroom mode to foster learner autonomyChapter Three Research Aim and Methodology3.1 Research aim3.2 MethodologyChapter Four The Present Action Research4.1 Description of subjects4.1.1 Description based on the analysis of the questionnaire4.1.2 Analyzing the scores of the English test in College Entrance Examination (CEE)4.2 Action research in the first phase4.2.1 Planning4.2.2 Introducing learner autonomy to the class4.2.3 Designing a classroom teaching and learning mode4.2.4 Implementing the classroom teaching and learning mode4.3 Data collection and analysis in the first phase4.3.1 Interview4.3.2 Learning portfolio4.3.3 Classroom observation4.3.4 Tests4.4 Action research in the second phase4.4.1 Improvement and planning4.4.2 Adjusting classroom teaching and learning mode4.4.3 Implementing the adjusted mode4.5 Data collection and analysis in the second phase4.5.1 Interview4.5.2 Learning portfolio4.5.3 Classroom observation4.5.4 Questionnaire survey and testChapter Five Results Report of the Action Research and Discussion5.1 Report and discussion of the results of testing Hypotheses One and Two5.2 Report and discussion of the results of testing Hypothesis Three5.3 Report and discussion of the results of testing Hypothesis FourChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major findings6.2 Implications6.3 DrawbacksBibliographyAppendix A The First QuestionnaireAppendix B Learning ContractAppendix C Form of Learning PlanAppendix D Record of Group WorkAppendix E Form of Self-assessment and Peer AssessmentAppendix F Form of Reflection on LearningAppendix G Adjusted Form of Self-assessment and Peer AssessmentAppendix H Adjusted Form of Learning PlanAppendix I Adjusted Form of Reflection on LearningAppendix J The Last QuestionnaireAcademic AchievementsAcknowledgements
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标签:自主学习能力论文; 课堂教学视角论文; 教学模式论文;