Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Two Typical Hunting Stories in American Literature1.2 Faulkner's Life and Career and the Writing of The Bear1.2.1 Faulkner's Life and Career1.2.2 The Writing of The Bear1.3 Hemingway's Life and Career and the Writing of The Old Man and the Sea1.3.1 Hemingway's Life and Career1.3.2 The Writing of The Old Man and the SeaChapter 2 An Ecocritical Comparison between The Bear and The Old Man and the Sea2.1 The Definition and Signification of Ecocriticism2.2 An Ecocritical Reading of The Bear2.3 An Ecocritical Reading of The Old Man and the Sea2.3.1 The Formation of Hemingway's Ecologial Consciousness2.3.2 Ecological Consciousness Reflected in The Old Man and the SeaChapter 3 A Thematic Comparison between The Bear and The Old Man and the Sea3.1 Ecologial Parallels between The Bear and The Old Man and the Sea3.1.1 Human and Environment3.1.2 Hunter and Hunting3.2 Man's Spirit through the Interaction between Nature and Man3.2.1 Man's Challenging and Exploratory Spirit in The Bear3.2.2 Man's Undefeatable and Ambivalent Spirit in The Old Man and the SeaChapter 4 A Technical Comparison between The Bear and The Old Man and the Sea4.1 Modernism & Naturalism4.2 Complexity & SimplicityChapter 5 ConclusionWorks Cited攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果
标签:生态批评论文; 生态意识论文; 环境保护论文; 自然主义论文; 现代主义论文;
两部美国寻猎经典 ——《熊》与《老人与海》比较研究