
摘要Abstract1 Research background1.1 Fundamentals of turbocharging1.1.1 Supercharging1.1.2 Turbocharging1.1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of turbocharging1.1.4 Place of the turbocharger in the engine1.1.5 History of the development of turbocharging1.2 Traditional turbocharger performance map generation1.2.1 Compressor performance map1.2.2 Turbine performance map1.2.3 Turbine efficiency definition1.2.4 Turbocharger performance simulation1.3 Engine simulation model1.3.1 One-dimensional engine simulation1.3.2 Turbocharger model1.3.3 Piping model1.3.4 Combustion model1.3.5 Turbocharger friction model1.4 Calibration work1.4.1 Calibration is necessary1.4.2 What are the coefficients to be calibrated?1.4.3 Calibration sequence2 Turbo matching and turbo system integration2.1 The traditional map generation2.1.1 Problems in the traditional map generation2.1.2 Objective2.2 The through-flow model2.2.1 Introduction about the through-flow model2.2.2 Compressor through-flow model2.2.3 Turbine through-flow model2.3 Development of a new map generation method2.3.1 Objective2.3.2 Development steps2.3.3 Calibration of the semi-empirical correlation models2.3.4 Exemple of correlation model calibration2.3.5 Results3 Turbocharged engine through-flow simulation platform3.1 Problem of the traditional engine simulation method3.2 Through-flow engine simulation method3.3 Parameter exchange between the engine model and the trubine through-flow model3.4 Parameter exchange between the engine model and the compressor through-flow model3.4.1 The iterative calculation3.4.2 Estimation of the mass flow rate3.5 User defined functions in GT-Power3.6 Simulation calculation improvements3.6.1 Compressor outlet pressure difference criterium3.6.2 Influence of the turbocharger initial rotational speed3.6.3 First cycles of the simulation3.6.4 Calculation time improvement inside a cycle3.6.5 Calculation time improvement between cycles3.6.6 Calculation time improvement of the compressor side3.6.7 Improvement of compressor mass flow convergence3.6.8 Non convergence problem in the compressor side3.6.9 Calculation problems in the turbine side3.6.10 Interpolation method inside a non coupled cycle3.6.11 Extrapolation method inside a coupled cycle3.7 Turbocharger scaling for matching work4 Modeling for gasoline engine turbo system integration4.1 Turbocharged gasoline engine model4.2 Non coupled simulations4.3 Parameter study of the “between cycle modulo”value4.4 Parameter study of the “inside cycle modulo”value4.5 Parameter study of the “criterium”value4.6 Interpolation method in a non coupled calculation4.7 Extrapolation method in a coupled calculation4.8 Comparison with similar research work4.9 Comparison between MAP based/through-flow simulations4.10 Turbocharger scaling for matching work5 Conclusion and future works5.1 Conclusion5.2 Future worksReferences致谢Resume
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标签:发动机论文; 增压器论文; 通流模型论文; 仿真计算论文;