Abstract摘要List of Figures and TablesList of AbbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Purpose of the Study1.2 Research Questions1.3 Research MethodologyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 The Rationalist Approach2.2 The Relativist Approach2.3 The Compatibilist Approach2.4 Comments on the Past StudiesChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 A Discussion of Translation, Meaning, Translatability, Untranslatability and the Limit of Translatability3.1.1 Translation means translating meaning3.1.2 Definition to meaning3.1.3 Definition to translatability, untranslatability and the limit of translatability3.2 Translatability and the Principle of Isomorphism3.2.1 Isomorphism in language aspect: linguistic universality and translatability3.2.2 Isomorphism in culture aspect: cultural universality and translatability3.3 Untranslatability and the Relativity of Isomorphism3.3.1 Relativity of isomorphism in language aspect: linguistic individuality and untranslatability3.3.2 Relativity of isomorphism in culture Aspect: cultural individuality and untranslatability3.4 A Short SummaryChapter 4 On the Limit of Translatability——A Case Study4.1 A Contrastive Study of Chinese and English Address Terms4.1.1 Chinese and English kinship terms4.1.2 Chinese and English social address terms4.1.3 Chinese and English name address terms4.1.4 Chinese and English pronoun address terms4.1.5 Similarities and differences4.2 Features of Address Term in the Novel4.3 Detailed Analysis of Their Translation4.3.1 Is there any limit of translatability4.3.2 Reasons leading to the limit of translatability4.3.2.1 The limit of translatability and referential meaning4.3.2.2 The limit of translatability and pragmatic meaning4.3.2.3 The limit of translatability and linguistic meaning4.4 A short summaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Conclusions of the Study5.2 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAcknowledgments
标签:可译性论文; 可译性限度论文; 指称意论文; 语用意论文; 言内意论文;
论可译性限度 ——《红楼梦》两个英译本中称呼语的翻译探析