AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One:Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Purpose1.3 Structure and MethodologyChapter Two:The Relationship between Discourse Analysis and Translation2.1 A Brief Historical Review of Discourse Analysis2.2 Text and Discourse2.3 Text Analysis and Discourse Analysis2.4 Objects to Be Examined2.5 Discourse Analysis and Its application in TranslationChapter Three:Legal Papers' Abstracts Translation and Its Strategies3.1 Present Studies of Translation of Legal Papers' Abstracts3.1.1 Translators' Common Practice of Translation of Legal Papers' Abstracts3.1.2 The Theoretical Achievements in Recent Years3.2 Problems of Translation of Legal Papers' Abstracts3.3 Genre and Register Analysis of Legal Papers' Abstracts and Corresponding Translation Strategies3.3.1 Genre Analysis of Legal Papers' Abstracts3.3.2 Register Analysis of Legal Papers' AbstractsChapter Four:Thematic Analysis in Legal Papers' Abstracts Translation4.1 Theme and Rheme4.2 Multiple Themes4.3 Chinese-styled Topic4.4 Thematic Progression4.4.1 The Constant Theme Pattern4.4.2 The Constant Rheme Pattern4.4.3 The Linear Theme Pattern4.4.4 The Split Rheme Pattern4.5 Thematic Structure Analysis in Legal Papers' Abstract TranslationChapter Five:Information Structure in Legal Papers' Abstracts Translation5.1 Division of Given and New5.2 D-tree Formula of Legal Papers' Abstracts5.2.1 Introduction of D-tree formula5.2.2 D-tree Formula of Legal Papers' Abstracts5.3 Limitation on Analysis of Information Structure in Legal Abstracts TranslationChapter Six:Foregrounding and Its Application in Translation of Legal Papers' Abstracts6.1 Origins of foregrounding6.2 Foregrounding,deviation and prominence6.2.1 Foregrounding and deviation6.2.2 Foregrounding and prominence6.3 Qualitative foregrounding and quantitative foregrounding6.3.1 In Perspective of deviation6.3.2 Qualitative foregrounding and quantitative foregrounding6.4 Foregrounding and translationChapter Seven:Cohesion and Coherence in Legal Papers' Abstracts Translation7.1 The Relationship between Cohesion and Coherence7.2 Cohesive DevicesChapter Eight:Case Study and Suggestions8.1 Interaction of the Four Aspects8.2 Case Study8.3 Conclusions8.4 Limitations and Suggestions8.4.1 Suggestions for Ideological Studies8.4.2 Suggestions for Studies of Other Subdivisions in Discourse Analysis to Translation8.4.3 Suggestions for Legal English EducationBibliographyAppendix A:Samples
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标签:法律论文摘要论文; 翻译论文; 话语分析论文;