中文摘要AbstractChapter 1 Interpretation, a special communicative form of translation1.1 The meaning of interpretation1.2 Two forms of interpretation1.2.1 Simultaneous interpretation1.2.2 Consecutive interpretation1.3 Basic features1.3.1 Shift of manipulative power1.3.2 Presence and absence1.3.3 Instantaneity1.3.4 Contextualization1.4 CommunicationChapter 2 Linguistic function approaches and translation2.1 Halliday's Systematic-Functional Grammar and translation2.1.1 Halliday's Systematic-functional Grammar2.1.2 Application of Halliday's approach in translation2.1.2.1 Discourse analysis2.1.2.2 Register analysis2.1.2.3 Semantic analysis2.1.2.4 Grammatical analysis2.2 Newmark's Functionalism and translation strategy2.2.1 Newmark's Functional Approach2.2.2 Newmark's translation strategies2.2.2.1 Semantic translation2.2.2.2 Communicative translationsChapter 3 Semantic fuzziness in interpretation3.1 Semantic fuzziness3.2 Semantic fuzziness in interpreting3.3 Ambiguity3.3.1 Discourse ambiguity3.3.2 Comprehension ambiguity in auditory3.3.3 Lexical ambiguity3.3.4 Grammar ambiguity3.4 Vagueness3.4.1 Reference vagueness3.4.2 Equivalence vagueness3.4.2.1 Parole and categorization3.4.2.2 Figurative language and idiomsChapter 4 Theory reference to strategies and methods to reduce ambiguity in interpretation4.1 SL effect4.2 Cultural translation countermeasure4.3 Inference strategy4.4 Cognitive psychological regulation4.4.1 Gile's model and Xiamen University model for interpreter training4.4.2 Anderson's three-stage modelChapter 5 To reduce ambiguity in interpretation by applying functional approach5.1 To explain semantic fuzziness by applying the cognitive approach5.2 To reduce ambiguity by adopting functional approach in interpretation5.2.1 To use functional approach in interpretation5.2.2 To reduce fuzziness by the functional theory5.3 To adopt function translation approach in interpretationConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgement
标签:口译论文; 语义模糊论文; 功能理论论文;