目前各国政府正采取措施,寻找新技术以减少环境恶化带来的对健康、生态以及社会经济造成的损害。科学家可以分析这些海洋环境威胁,确定它们的组成、数量以及他它们对人类和环境所造成的威害的程度。经由船舶压载水进行外来海洋生物及淡水生物的传播,在世界范围内很可能是最为普遍的一种方式。本论文重点回顾了压在水处理和管理方面的一些方法,目前这些方法都是具有重大意义的,并包括国际海事组织(IMO)制定的压在水及沉淀物方面的法规和规范。它们包括压压载水的更换、加热、过滤,紫外线处理法、电解法、臭氧处理法等。大部分的设计目前刚刚完成,回顾这些方法的主要目的是对现存的合理的处理技术的有效性和状况进行比较,并得出这些方法的成本数据指标。本论文的后半部分概括了紫外线杀菌器的设计及模拟研究结果。紫外线法是一种被用来杀菌并对压载水处理非常有效的技术。它的花费不高,而且更重要的是对环境是友好型的。本文通过计算流体力学(CFD)的方法对紫外线杀菌器的有效性进行了验证。通过用MATLAB 7.3 software和Fluent 6.3.26的计算,本文还得出了紫外线杀菌器的设计参数以及最大流量、流速、温度、压力、扰动能量、紫外线分布量等等。
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS摘要ABSTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Overview1.2 Ballast Water and Sediment1.2.1 Estimating Capacities' of Ballast Water on Vessel1.2.2 Ballasting and Risk Assessment1.2.3 Ballast Retention Period on Board Ship1.2.4 Marine Invasive Species Carried in Ballast Water1.3 Main Ideas of this ThesisCHAPTER 2 BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT2.1 Introduction2.2 Guidelines and Objective Background for Ballast Water Management2.3 Management and Control Requirement for Ships2.3.1 Ballast Water Management Plan2.3.2 Ballast Water Records Book2.3.3 Ballast Water Management for Ships2.4 Ballast Water Exchange2.4.1 Flow-through Method2.4.2 Sequential Method2.4.3 Common Ballast Water Overflow System2.4.4 Measuring Success in Implementing Ballast Water Exchange Procedures2.4.5 Summary of Safety Precautions to Consider in Ballast Water Exchange Procedures2.5 Ballast Water Exchange Area2.6 Sediment Management for ShipsCHAPTER 3 BALLAST WATER TREATMENT3.1 Introduction3.2 Main Potential Treatment Options3.2.1 Filtration and Separation Systems3.2.2 Biocides3.2.3 Heat Treatment3.2.4 Ultraviolet Radiation3.2.5 Magnetic Treatment3.2.6 Ozone3.2.7 Pulse Plasma3.2.8 Deoxygenation3.2.9 Ballast Tank Coating3.3 Assessment of Technologies3.3.1 Safe3.3.2 Cost Effective3.3.3 Technically Practical3.3.4 Biologically Effective3.3.5 Environmentally Compatible3.4 Brief Description of the Technologies Presented3.4.1 Heat Treatment in Tank3.4.2 Physical Separation and Disinfection(SEDNA System Including PeraClean)3.4.3 Electrochemical Disinfection(ECS System)3.4.4 Filtration and Advanced Oxidation(Alfa Laval BWM System)3.4.5 Biocides Disinfection(Bal Pure System)3.4.6 Filtration and UV Irradiation(GloEn-PatrolTM System) Evaluation of the Treated Ballast WaterTM'> Risk Characterization for GloEn-PatrolTM3.4.7 Flocculating Agents(Hitachi Ballast Water Purification System) Application capacity3.4.7.2 Risk Assessment3 Ballast Water Treatment System)'>3.4.8 Ozone Treatment(NKO3 Ballast Water Treatment System) Active Substances,Relevant Chemicals and Other Chemicals3.4.8.2 Risk Assessment3.4.9 Electrolytic Process(Hybrid Ballast Water Treatment System) Active Substances,Relevant Chemicals and Other Chemicals3.4.9.2 Risk Assessment3.5 ConclusionCHAPTER 4 UV DISINFECTION IN SHIP BALLAST WATER TREATMENT4.1 Introduction4.2 UV Radiation Disinfection4.3 Selection and Installation of a UV Disinfection System4.3.1 Technical Feasibility4.3.1.1 Disinfection Performance4.3.1.2 Plant Hydraulic4.3.1.3 Structural Modifications4.3.1.4 Electrical Requirements4.3.2 Design Criteria4.3.3 Equipment Selection4.4 UV Disinfection System Description4.4.1 The Reactor Description4.4.2 Description of UV Lamp and its Ballast4.4.3 Pretreatment or Filtration4.4.4 Demonstration of the UV Disinfection System in Pilot Plant4.5 Methods and Procedure4.6 Conception of UV Intensity,UV Dose and UV Dose Distribution4.6.1 UV Intensity4.6.2 UV Dose and Dose Distribution4.7 Calculating UV Dose and Dose Distribution4.7.1 Dose Distribution for 10 Lamps4.7.2 Dose Distribution for 3 Lamps4.8 ConclusionCHAPTER 5 CFD MODEL FOR UV DISINFECTION5.1 Introduction5.2 Model Simulation5.2.1 Model Construction5.2.2 Mesh of the Model5.2.3 Problem Geometry5.2.3.1 Reynolds Average Navier-Stroke's Equation5.2.3.2 Standard k-epsilon Model5.2.3.3 CFD Model Result5.3 Flow Model and Prediction5.4 Dose-Response Data Analysis and Flow Relationship5.5 ConclusionCHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS6.1 Summarized and Conclusions6.2 Discussions on Research6.3 RecommendationsReferencesAPPENDICESAppendix A Ten of the Most Unwanted Aquatic Bio-invasive Species Causing Major Impact ListAppendix B Regulations for Ships' Ballast Water Management and SedimentAppendix C Flow Chart of Ballast Water Exchange PlanAppendix D Total Dose Amount on 256 Particles Table for 10 UV LampsAppendix E Dose Distribution MATLAB Program for Transverse Sectional Surface with 10 UV Lamps3/hr Flow Rate'>Appendix F Figure of Dose Distribution for 17m3/hr Flow RateAppendix G Result Figures by FluentBiography
标签:压载水管理论文; 压载水交换论文; 处理方法论文; 紫外线杀菌器论文; 计算流体力学论文;