ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Basic knowledge1.1 Foundation of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences1.2 Development of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences1.3 The Academy statuette1.4 The origin of the Oscar nameChapter 2 Comparison with other film awards2.1 Comparison with the film awards bestowed by film institutes2.1.1 Membership2.1.2 Award categories2.1.3 Eligibility for nomination and voting procedures2.1.3.1 About BAFTA2.1.3.2 About AMPAS2.2 Comparison with the film awards bestowed by international film festivals2.2.1 Genre of film festival2.2.2 Introduction of three important film festivals:Venice, Cannes and Berlin2.2.3 Comparison with the three important film festivals2.3 Comparison with the film awards bestowed by Critics Associations2.3.1 Introduction of three influential critics associations2.3.1.1 The New York Critics Circle2.3.1.2 The Los Angeles Film Critics Association2.3.1.3 The National Society of Film Critics2.3.2 Comparison with the three critics associations2.4 Comparison with the Golden Globes2.4.1 Introduction of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association2.4.2 Comparison with the Golden Globes2.5 A brief summary for Chapter 2Chapter 3 The Reasons for Oscar to be the king of film awards3.1 Building up authority3.1.1 Rational structure3.1.2 Elitist membership3.1.3 Democratic voting procedures3.2 Eye-catching strategies3.2.1 Sealed envelope3.2.2 Red Carpet3.2.3 Oscar ceremonies3.2.3.1 From a dinner to a global media event3.2.3.2 Qualities and importance of the Oscar ceremony3.3 Dramatic impact3.3.1 Impact on films3.3.2 Impact on actors3.3.2.1 Skyrocketing Pay3.3.2.2 International stardom3.3.2.3 Bargaining power3.4 A brief summary for Chapter 3Chapter 4 Oscar, Oscar show and American culture4.1 Democracy versus Elitism4.2 Equality versus Discrimination4.3 Individualism versus Collectivism4.4 Competition versus Cooperation4.5 Hard work versus Luck4.6 A brief summary for Chapter 4ConclusionBibliography
标签:奥斯卡论文; 电影奖论文; 平等论文; 民主论文; 文化价值观论文;