




  • Abstract
  • 摘要
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One Backgrounds of Wilde’s literary creation and death narrative in literature
  • 1.1 Backgrounds of Wilde’s literary creation
  • 1.2 Death narrative in literature
  • Chapter Two Presentation of various types and features of death in Oscar Wilde’s works
  • 2.1 The dedicated death
  • 2.2 The reborn death
  • 2.3 The accidental death
  • Chapter Three Connotations of Death in Oscar Wilde’s Works
  • 3.1 The aesthetic connotation of death
  • 3.2 The Christian implication of death
  • 3.3 The practical significance of death
  • Chapter Four Sources of Wilde’s specific death narrative in his works
  • 4.1 The social source
  • 4.2 The personal source
  • 4.3 The theoretical source
  • Chapter Five Transcendence of death in Wilde’s works
  • 5.1 The artistic function of death
  • 5.2 The moral function of death
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Acknowledgements
  • Publication
  • 相关论文文献

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