摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 An Introduction to English Middle Construction1.1 Definition of English Middle Construction1.2 Basic Features of English Middle Construction1.2.1 Semantic Features of English Middle Construction1.2.1.1 Non-eventivity1.2.1.2 Modality1.2.1.3 Agentivity1.2.2 Syntactic Features of English Middle Construction1.2.2.1 Adverbial Modification1.2.2.2 Subject RaisingChapter 2 Previous Studies on English Middle Construction2.1 Generative Study on English Middle Construction2.2 Cognitive Study on English Middle ConstructionChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Construction Grammar3.1.1 Tenets of Construction Grammar3.1.2 Nature of Verb Meaning3.1.3 Nature of Constructional Meaning3.1.4 Interaction between Verbs and Constructions3.2.Grammaticalization3.2.1 Definition of Grammaticalization3.2.2 Motivation of GrammaticalizationChapter 4 Construction Grammar-based Account of English Middle Construction4.1 English Middle Construction as an Independent Construction4.1.1 Conflicts between the Inherent Semantics of Middle Verbs and the Constructional Interpretation4.1.2 Non-derivational Characteristics of English Middle Construction4.2 Meaning of English Middle Construction4.2.1.Interaction between Middle Verbs and English Middle Construction4.2.1.1 Relation between Middle Verbs and English Middle Construction4.2.1.2 Integration between the Participant Roles of Middle Verbs and the Argument Roles of English Middle Construction4.2.2 Responsibility of the Argument Roles in English Middle Construction4.3 Formation of English Middle Construction4.3.1 Grammaticalization of Middle Verbs4.3.2 Grammaticalization of the Patient-subjectConclusionNotesBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间主要的研究成果目录
标签:英语中动构式论文; 构式语法论文; 语法化论文;