Acknowledgments摘要AbstractChapter I IntroductionChapter II Similarities and Discrepancies between English and Chinese Animal Idioms2.1 Similarities between English and Chinese Animal Idioms2.2 Discrepancies between English and Chinese Animal Idioms2.2.1 Conflict of Cultural Meaning between English and Chinese Animal Idioms2.2.2 Divergence of Cultural Meaning between English and Chinese Animal Idioms2.2.3 Exclusiveness of Cultural Meaning between English and Chinese Animal Idioms--- Exclusiveness of Cultural Meaning of Animal Idioms in English2.2.3.2 Exclusiveness of Cultural Meaning of Animal Idioms in ChineseChapter III Analysis of the Causes of the Discrepancies between English and Chinese Animal Idioms3.1 the Different Economic Development (Based on the Different Environment)3.2 the Different Geographical Conditions3.3 the Different Fable and Mythology3.3.1 Fable and Mythology in English Animal Idioms3.3.2 Fable and Mythology in Chinese Animal Idioms3.4 the Influence of Literature3.4.1 The Influence of Literal Works in English Animal Idioms3.4.1.1 The Influence of William Shakespeare3.4.1.2 The Influence of Other Literal Works in English Animal Idioms3.4.2 The Influence of Literal Works in Chinese Animal Idioms3.5 the Different Folk Customs and Social Practice3.5.1 Folk Customs and Social Practice in Chinese Animal Idioms3.5.2 Folk Customs and Social Practice in English Animal Idioms3.6 the Influence of Different Religions3.6.1 The Influence of Bible in English Animal Idioms3.6.2 the Influence of Religions in Chinese Animal IdiomsChapter IV The Translation of Animal Idioms5.1 Equivalent Translation5.1.1 Idioms for Idioms Translation5.1.2 Intercultural Translation5.2 Idioms Changed Metaphors for Idioms Translation5.3 Word-by-word Translation/ Literal Translation5.4 Free Translation5.5 Literal Translation Followed by Free Translation as CompensationChapter V ConclusionBibliography
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标签:动物习语论文; 文化含义论文; 文化差异论文; 功能对等论文; 翻译论文;