Abstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the present study1.2 Significance of the present study1.3 Scope and structure of the present studyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Previous studies on CDA2.1.1 General understanding of CDA2.1.2 Aim and goal of CDA2.1.3 Pioneer practitioners of CDA2.1.4 Language, power and ideology2.2 Previous studies of CDA on news2.2.1 CDA on news abroad2.2.2 Previous studies of economic news abroad2.2.3 Relevant studies in China2.3 Economic news2.3.1 Brief introduction of economic news2.3.2 The unique language features of economic news2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Foundations and the Suggested Analytical Model3.1 Halliday’s systemic functional grammar3.1.1 Ideational metafunction3.1.1.1 Transitivity3.1.1.2 Lexical structure3.1.2 Interpersonal metafunction3.1.2.1 Modality3.2 Fairclough’s three-dimensional model3.2.1 Description3.2.2 Interpretation3.2.2.1 Discourse representation3.2.3 Explanation3.3 Numbers as rhetoric3.4 News editing process3.5 A suggested analytical model for CDA on economic newsChapter 4 Analysis of Selected Samples4.1 Background4.2 Critical analysis on economic news samples4.2.1 Analysis of headlines4.2.2 Analysis of the body4.2.2.1 Transitivity analysis4.2.2.2 Lexical structure analysis4.2.2.3 Modality analysis4.2.2.4 Discourse representation4. Modes4. News sources4.2.2.5 Number analysis4.2.2.6 Analysis of news editing process4.2.3 Explanatory level –social contextChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary of the present study5.2 Major contributions of the present study5.3 Limitations and suggestions for further studiesBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgementsAcademic Achievements
标签:批评语篇分析论文; 意识形态论文; 经济新闻论文;