AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Theoretical Background2.1 Text linguistics2.2 Key factors concerning text2.2.1 The definition of text2.2.2 Text functions2.2.3 Text types2.2.4 Text and translation2.3 Text linguistics and translation2.3.1 Common ground between text linguistics and translation2.3.2 Contributions made by text linguistics to translation study2.3.2.1 Text as the unit of translation2.3.2.2 The process of translation2.3.2.3 Textual awareness2.3.2.4 Translation methods2.2.3.5 Translation criteria2.4 Text linguistics and fictional dialogue translation2.4.1 Key points about fictional dialogue2.4.1.1 The definition of dialogue2.4.1.2 Features of fictional dialogue2.4.1.3 Functions of fictional dialogue2.4.2 Text linguistics and fictional dialogue translationChapter 3 Literary Background3.1 The author William Makepeace Thackeray3.2 Vanity Fair3.2.1 Historical background3.2.2 The plot summary of Vanity Fair3.2.3 The main theme of Vanity Fair3.2.4 The significance of Vanity Fair3.3 The importance of dialogue in Vanity Fair and its features3.4 The selected version and its translator Yang BiChapter 4 A Case Study of Vanity Fair Translated by Yang Bi4.1 Context and fictional dialogue translation4.1.1 The definition of context4.1.2 The classification of context4.1.2.1 Linguistic context4.1.2.2 Situational context4.1.2.3 Cultural context4.1.3 Functions of context in fictional dialogue translation4.1.3.1 Restrictive function4.1.3.2 Interpretative function4.1.3.3 Derivative function4.1.3.4 Complementary function4.2 Coherence in fictional dialogue translation4.2.1 The concept of coherence4.2.2 Cohesion and coherence4.2.3 Coherence in dialogue4.2.4 Coherence and fictional dialogue translation4.2.4.1 Coherence in wording4.2.4.2 Coherence in meaning4.2.3.3 Coherence in logic4.2.3.4 Coherence in styleChapter 5 ConclusionBibliographyAppendix
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标签:语篇语言学论文; 对话翻译论文; 语篇翻译论文; 语境论文; 连贯论文; 名利场论文;