任务型教学在我国的高中英语教学中受到越来越广泛的注意。但是任何一种教学方法都有其优点和不足, 尤其在提高中国学生英语写作能力方面鲜有专门的研究和有效的方法进行实际教学。本文作者以分组学习法和任务型教学理论为基础, 探讨了将两种方法相结合促进学生写作能力发展的可能性。通过试验, 作者发现以任务型教学为基础的小组写作法主要的优点在于: 激发了学生间的互动学习和交流意识,体现了教师的指导作用, 减轻了教师的批改工作量。同时本文就教师和学生在完成分组写作任务时所碰到的问题进行讨论并提出一些解决和避免这些问题的建议。
CHINESE ABSTRACTENGLISH ABSTRACTACKNOWLEGMENMENTSLIST OF TABLES AND FIGURESChapter I Introduction1.1 The Background of the Research1.2 Significance of the Present ResearchChapter Ⅱ Theoretical Basis for Language Learning Strategies and Language Learning Styles2.1 Research on language learning strategies2.1.1 Definition of language learning strategies2.1.2 Classification of language learning strategies2.1.3 A strategy relative to the present research: cooperative learning strategy2.2 Research on language learning styles2.2.1 Definition of learning styles2.2.2 Four types of learnersChapter Ⅲ Interaction in ELT Classroom3.1 The relationship between classroom interaction and second language learning3.1.1 Second language learning in the communicative classroom3.1.2 The effect of interaction on acquisition3.2 Communicative activities: some general considerations3.2.1 Purposes of communicative activities3.2.2 Learner-centered activities3.2.3 Types of communicative activities3.3 Learner interactional patterns3.4 Necessary elements in ELT classroom3.5 Grouping for classroom interaction3.6 Previous studies on group learning strategies3.6.1 Definition of group work3.6.2 MeritsChapter Ⅳ Task-based Language Teaching Rationale and Principles4.1 Task defined and described4.1.1 Definition of the “Task”4.1.2 Components Involved in the Task4.1.3 Misunderstandings and deviations existing in TBLT4.2 Nunans’task classification4.3 Viewing tasks from a cognitive perspective4.3.1 Bruners’constructivist theory4.3.2 Skehans’cognitive approach4.3.3 Vygotskys’zone of proximal development (ZDP)4.3.4 Feuersteins’cognitive map4.4 The syllabus of task-based language teaching4.4.1 The principles on designing tasks for the English classroom4.4.2 The framework of presenting tasks in the English classroom4.5 The features of task-based language teachingChapter Ⅴ The Present Study5.1 Research questions and hypothesis for the study5.2 Methodology5.3 ResultsChapter Ⅵ Conclusions and Implications6.1 Conclusion of the study6.2 Limitations of the study6.3 Recommendations for further researchReferencesAppendix AAppendix B
标签:英语教学论文; 互动论文; 任务型教学论文; 小组学习论文; 写作论文;
Teaching Composition with Task-based Group Learning Class