论文题目: 运用元认知培养英语口语学习的自主性
论文类型: 硕士论文
论文专业: 英语语言文学
作者: 魏月红
导师: 史玮璇
关键词: 元认知知识,元认知策略,英语口语学习,自主学习
文献来源: 华北电力大学(河北)
发表年度: 2005
论文摘要: 本文以自主学习、口语机制及元认知理论为指导,采用对比分析的研究方法对口语学习中的相关因素进行定性和定量分析。以问卷调查,自我评价记录表及学习日记作为研究工具,运用SPSS统计软件对问卷数据结果进行统计。根据Blakey的元认知行为的六部分设计教学实验并进行试验操作,实验前后结果的定量对比分析和定性分析结果的变化表明:元认知知识和策略对促进口语学习自主性的提高起到了显著作用,特别是增强了在口语学习中的自我责任意识。这种教学模式可以应用于口语教学,并对口语教师培训工作起到促进作用。
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The problems in oral English learning in classroom
1.2 The method to promote learner autonomy in oral English learning in classroom
1.3 The structure of thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Learner autonomy
2.1.1 Definition of learner autonomy
2.1.2 Research on learner autonomy
2.1.3 Reasons for promoting the learner autonomy
2.1.4 Training of the autonomous ability
2.2 Oral English knowledge
2.2.1 Present situation of oral English learning
2.2.2 The mechanism of oral English learning
2.2.3 Related studies about oral English learning and teaching
2.3 Metacognition
2.3.1 Definition
2.3.2 The relationship between autonomy and metacognition
2.3.3 Developing learner autonomy in oral English learning by metacognitive strategies training
Chapter Three A Study into the Training of Learner Autonomy in Oral English Learning
3.1 Methodology
3.1.1 Questionnaire
3.1.2 Learning diary
3.1.3 Self-evaluation data sheet
3.2 Subjects
3.3 The general design of the teaching process
3.3.1 Identifying “what you know”and “what you don’t know”
3.3.2 Talking about thinking
3.3.3 Keeping a thinking journal
3.3.4 Planning and self-regulation
3.3.5 Debriefing the thinking process
3.3.6 Self-evaluation
3.4 Procedure
3.5 Data collection and analysis
3.5.1 Questionnaire
3.5.2 Learning diary
3.5.3 Self-evaluation data sheet
3.6 Finding and discussion
3.6.1 Thinking of the oral English learning
3.6.2 Self-regulation in the oral English learning
3.6.3 Motivation in oral English learning Teacher’s role in motivation Interest’s role in motivation Confidence’s role in motivation
3.6.4 Metacognition in oral English learning
Chapter Four Conclusion
I Questionnaire (in English)
II Questionnaire (in Chinese)
III Self-evaluation data sheet (in English)
Self-evaluation data sheet (in Chinese)
IV Self-evaluation Data Sheet Statistics
V Paired Samples Statistics of each item in questionnaire
VI The changes of each item
VII The original learning diary transcripts
发布时间: 2007-03-14
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