
ABSTRACT摘要IntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 The Grammar-Translation Method1.2 The Direct Method1.3 The Audio-Lingual Method1.4 The Communicative MethodChapter Two Task-based Language Teaching2.1 PPP vs. TBLT2.1.1 PPP2.1.2 TBLT2.2 The analysis of task-based language teaching2.2.1 Definition of task2.2.2 The theoretical basis for task-based approach2.2.3 Components of task2.2.4 Characteristics of task2.2.5 Task difficulty2.2.6 Task types2.3 Principles of task-based approachChapter Three Relevant Theories of Speaking3.1 The differences between speaking and writing3.2 Communicative language ability3.2.1 The concept of communicative language ability3.2.2 The components of communicative language ability3.3 Factors that hinder students' speaking3.4 Speaking strategiesChapter Four Implementation of TBLT in Oral Class4.1 Willis' frame work of TBLT4.2 Speaking activities4.2.1 The reasons of encouraging students to do speaking tasks4.2.2 Characteristics of successful speaking activities4.2.3 Speaking activities4.2.4 Respond to errors during the speaking activities4.2.5 Roles of the teacher and the students4.3 Factors affect the application of TBLT4.3.1 Motivation4.3.2 Attitudes and Beliefs4.3.3 Anxiety4.3.4 Learning environment4.3.5 Learning styles4.3.6 Learner strategiesChapter Five The Experimental Research5.1 Research questions5.2 Subjects5.3 Instrument5.4 Pre-test and data analysis5.5 The experimental process5.5.1 The processes of the teaching5.5.2 Some samples of tasks used in class5.6 Post-test and data analysis5.7 Students' attitudes towards PPP and TBLTChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Findings6.2 Implication6.3 LimitationReferencesAcknowledgement
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标签:任务型教学法论文; 传统教学法论文; 口语能力论文; 任务活动论文;