AcknowledgementsAbstract in ChineseAbstract in EnglishChapter I Introduction1.1 Background of the Research1.2 Terminologies1.2.1 Code and Codeswitching1.2.2 Codeswitching, Code-mixing and Borrowing1.3 Significance of the Present Study1.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter II Literature Review2.1 Codeswitching Studies Abroad2.2 Codeswitching Studies in China2.3 Teacher’s Codeswitching in Classroom2.4 Codeswitching and Theory of Adaptation2.4.1 Adaptation Theory2.4.2 Codeswitching as Realization of AdaptationChapter III Research Methodology3.1 Sampling Procedure3.2 Data Collection Methodology3.2.1 Classroom Observations3.2.2 Teacher Interviews3.2.3 Student Questionnaires3.3 Data Analysis3.4 ValidityChapter IV Findings of the Investigation4.1 Results of the Observation4.1.1 Distribution of Chinese/English Discourse in Postgraduate Classroom4.1.2 Results of Student Questionnaires4.2 Results of Teachers’Interview4.3 Psychological Motivation and the Adaptive ModelChapter V Discussion of the Strategies5.1 Realization of the Adaptive Model for Codeswitching5.1.1 Codeswitching as Giving Examples Strategy5.1.2 Codeswitching as Making Explanations Strategy5.1.3 Codeswitching as Providing Thinking Strategy5.1.4 Codeswitching as Enlivening Atmosphere Strategy5.1.5 Codeswitching as Giving Emphasis Strategy5.1.6 Codeswitching as Making Economy Strategy5.1.7 Codeswitching as Facilitating Understanding Strategy5.1.8 Codeswitching as Making Generalization StrategyChapter VI Conclusion6.1 Summary of Major Findings6.2 Implication of the Study6.3 Limitations and Further StudiesAppendix(Student Questionnaire)Bibliography
标签:语码转换论文; 语言顺应论文; 心理动机的顺应论文; 教学策略论文;