ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAbstract摘要IntroductionI. Nature of Film Title TranslationA. What Is Translating?B. Literary Translation & Non-literary TranslationC. Advertisement TranslationD. Standard of Film Title TranslationII. Present Situation of Film Title TranslationA. Present Situation of American Film Title Translation1. Traditional principles of English-Chinese film title translation1) Literal translation2) Adding or deleting elements when necessary3) Combination of literal and free translation2. “Contradiction”between the theory and the practice3. Abandonment of the original title and adoption of a new one4. Mistranslation1) Misunderstanding of words2) Misunderstanding of cultural information3) Purposeful mistranslation5. Different renderings for one and the same title1) Caused by transliteration2) Caused by dialects3) Caused by different translating guidelines4) Caused by individual creativityB. Present Situation of Chinese Film Title Translation1) Heroes’or heroines’names as titles2) Titles with cultural elements3) Similarity to American film titlesIII. Characteristics of American and Chinese Film TitlesA. Characteristics of American Film Titles1. Brief and concise2. Being to the point3. More descriptive titles than allusive ones4. Heroes’or heroines’names as titles5. Heroes’or heroines’identity or status as titles6. Settings as titles7. Key object or element as titles8. Nouns or noun phrases as titlesB. Characteristics of Chinese Film Titles1. Titles composed of at least two Chinese charactes2. Words, phrases and sentences as titles3. Typically four-character phrases as titles for foreign films4. More descriptive titles than allusive ones5. Strong classifying characters applied for foreign film titlesIV. Principles of American and Chinese Film Title TranslationA. Cultural AwarenessB. Formal and Structural AwareneC. FaithfulneD. InnovationE. Combination of Commercial and Aesthetic EffectsV. Techniques of American-Chinese and Chinese-English Film Title TranslationA. Techniques of American-Chinese Film Title Translation1. General classification of the techniques1) Literal translatiation2) Producing a new title3) Combination of the original title and the plot2. Concrete and specific techniques1) Translating titles of heroes’or heroines’names2) Translating titles of settings3) Translating titles with metaphorical meanings4) Translating titles with cultural meanings5) Translating titles with religious meaningsB. Techniques of Chinese-English Film Title Translation1. Translating literally2. Translating long titles3. Translating sentence-titles4. Translating heroo/heroine’s-name-titles5. Translating settings-titles6. Translating titles with cultural elementsVI. Requirements for TranslatorsA. A Comprehensive View of the Story Before TranslationB. Familiarity with Both the English and Chinese CulturesC. Mastery of Both the English and Chinese LanguagesD. Flexibility and CreativityE. Consideration of the Advertising FunctionVII. Case StudyConclusionBIBLIOGRAPHY
标签:电影标题论文; 广告翻译论文; 特点论文; 技巧论文;