中文摘要AbstractContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Rationale of the Research1.2 Overview of the Research PaperChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Basic Definition of Cooperative Learning2.2 A Brief History of Cooperative Learning2.3 The Current Research Status2.4 Elements of Cooperative Learning2.5 Modern Methods of Cooperative Learning2.6 Comparison with Traditional Frontal Instruction and Tradition Group2.7 Affective Factors in Cooperative Language Learning2.8 Theories Underlying Cooperative Learning2.8.1 Psychological Theory of Learning: Constructivism2.8.2 Psychological Perspective: Teamwork2.8.3 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)Chapter 3 Research Methodology3.1 Participants3.2 Research Hypothesis3.3 Research Methods3.3.1 Test Paper3.3.2 Pretest and Posttest3.3.3 Interviews3.3.4 Learning and Teaching Journals3.3.5 Questionnaires3.4 Implementation of CL in the Researcher’s Classroom3.4.1 The Formation of Cooperative Learning Group3.4.2 Cooperative Learning Procedure in Reading Class3.4.3 Cooperative Learning Procedure in Writing Class3.4.4 Some Cases of Implementation of CL in the Teaching of English3.4.5 Comparison between CL and Traditional TeachingChapter 4 Findings and Discussions4.1 Analysis and Discussion of the Students’ Written Test Results4.2 Analysis and Discussion of the Students’Questionnaires4.2.1 Questionnaire I4.2.2 Questionnaire II and Questionnaire III4.3 Analysis and Discussion of Results of the Oral Tests4.4 Analysis and Discussion of Interviews4.5 Discussions of the Learning and Teaching Journals4.6 Summary of the Data AnalysisChapter 5 Conclusions5.1 Summary of the Research5.1.1 Benefits of Cooperative Learning5.1.2 Drawbacks of Cooperative Learning and Possible Solutions5.2 Implications5.3 Limitations5.4 Suggestions for Further ResearchBibliographyAppendixesAppendix IAppendix IIAppendix IIIAppendix IVAppendix VAppendix VIAppendix VIIAppendix VIIIAppendix IXAcknowledgements个人简历 在读期间发表的学术论文与研究成果
标签:合作学习论文; 高职英语教学论文; 实验效果论文; 情感因素论文;