摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter One Introduction to Interpreting and the Basic qualities of Interpreters1.1 Definition of Interpreting1.2 History of Interpreting .1.3 Different Types of Interpreting .1.4 Basic Qualities of Interpreters . .1.4.1 Good Command of the Languages Involved .. .1.4.2 Enough Background Knowledge . ..1.4.3 Good Mentality1.4.4 Other Basic Qualities .Chapter Two Interpretive Theory of Translation and the Importance of Cross-cultural Awareness of consecutive Interpreters2.1 Interpretive Theory of Translation2.1.1 Introduction to the Interpretive Theory of Translation2.1.2 Development of the Interpretive Theory of Translation2.1.3 Contributions of the Interpretive Theory of Translation2.2 Introduction to Cross-cultural Awareness of the Interpreter2.3 An Analysis of the Importance of Cross-cultural Awareness from the Content of Interpretive Theory of Translation2.3.1 Comprehension2.3.2 Deverbalization2.3.3 Expression2.4 An Analysis of the Importance of Cross-cultural Awareness from the Essence of the Interpretive Theory of TranslationChapter Three Enhancement of the Cross-cultural Awareness of Consecutive Interpreters3.1 Knowledge Constructing of the Cross-cultural Awareness3.1.1 A General Description of Knowledge Constructing of the Cross-cultural Awareness3.1.2 A Specific Description of differences between Chinese Culture and American Culture3.2 Methods of Cultivating the Cross-cultural AwarenessConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgement研究生在校期间的科研成果
标签:交替传译论文; 释意理论论文; 跨文化意识论文;