Clustering of data has numerous applications and has been studied extensively. It is very important in Bio-informatics and data mining. Though many parallel algorithms have been designed, most of algorithms use the CRCW-PRAM or CREW-PRAM models of computing. This paper proposes a parallel EREW deterministic algorithm for hierarchical clustering. Based on algorithms of complete graph and Euclidean minimum spanning tree, the proposed algorithms can cluster n objects with O(p) processors in O(n2/p) time where 1≤p≤n/logn. Performance comparisons show that our algorithm is the first algorithm that is both without memory conflicts and adaptive.
AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 What is Parallel Computing1.3 What’s Parallel Computer1.4 What is Parallel Programming1.5 What is the ClusteringChapter 2 Preliminaries2.1 Models Of Computing2.2 Hierarchical Clustering2.3 Distributed Computing and Super Computers2.3.1 Distributed Computing2.3.2 Super ComputersChapter 3 The Proposed Algorithms3.1 Introduction3.2 Construct a Complete Graph in Parallel3.3 Generatic Of MST3.4 Pruning edges and finding connected compenents3.5 The proposed parallel hierarchical clustering algorithmChapter 4 Comparison And Conclusion4.1 Performance comparisons4.2 Conclusions4.3 Future PlanAcknowledgementsReferences
An Adaptive Parallel Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms without Memory Conflicts