历届美国总统就职演说内容精炼,语言精美;这些演说辞中存在着大量的互文运用现象,话语修辞特色明显,易于引起公众共鸣,实现演讲交际效果。本文试图从互文运用的角度出发,对总统演说辞进行纵向对比,研究不同总统对于宪法维护的互文性。因此,本文综合并扩展了Fairclough (1992)和Derrida (2009)提出的互文理论分类,概括出八种互文运用类型,并进行对比性研究;其中包括了四种“显性”的对比互文以及四种“隐性”的对比互文。详尽的论据及分析表明,不同总统就职演说辞中对于维护宪法有着诸多共同点,后期总统直接或间接地引用前期总统关于维护宪法的观点,一方面可以增加总统就职演说辞的权威性和说服力,有助于获得公众对于新任总统的广泛支持;另一方面,通过在维护宪法方面互文性的对比研究,可以反映出美国总统们的宪法观以及成熟的宪政制度对于美国社会发展的意义。总之,对美国总统就职演说中维护宪法的互文性对比研究是为了更好的了解完善的宪政制度对于美国发展的影响。同时,希望本文能够进一步拓展互文性研究的范围,为今后更加深入、广泛地研究此领域提供一些参考。
中文摘要Abstract中文文摘Table of ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Purpose and Significance of this Study1.2 Research Questions1.3 Data and Methodology1.4 The Structure of this ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Theoretical Framework2.1.1 Definitions and Functions of Intertextuality2.1.2 Previous Studies on Intertextuality2.2 An Overview of the Constitution2.2.1 The Source and Development of American Constitution2.2.2 The Significance of the Constitution in America2.3 SummaryChapter Three A General Survey of American Presidential Inaugural Addresses3.1 Public Speaking3.2 Public Political Speaking3.3 Studies on Inaugural Addresses of American Presidents3.3.1 Previous Studies of Inaugural Addresses of American Presidents3.3.2 Some Features of American Presidential Inaugural Addresses3.3.3 Interpretations of Constitutional Government Based on Inaugural Addresses3.4 SummaryChapter Four Occurrences of Intertextuality for Protection of Constitution in U.S.Presidential Inaugural Addresses4.1 The Intertextual Character of Inaugural Addresses4.2 Explicit Intertextuality4.2.1 Reference4.2.2 Allusion4.2.3 Quotation4.2.4 Cliche4.3 Implicit Intertextuality4.3.1 Parody4.3.2 Rewriting4.3.3 Commentary4.3.4 Transfiguration4.4 SummaryChapter Five An Analysis of the Protection of Constitution in U.S.Presidential InauguralAddresses5.1 The Interaction between U.S.Presidential Addresses and the Constitution5.2 American Presidents' view of the Constitution5.2.1 Presidents in the Earlier Stage5.2.2 Presidents in the Later Stage5.3 The Significance of the Maturity of American Constitutional System5.4 SummaryChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future ResearchReferences攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果Acknowledgement个人简历
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标签:美国总统论文; 就职演说论文; 宪法论文; 互文性论文;
美国总统就职演说辞之间的互文性研究 ——以维护宪法为例