Abstract摘要List of TablesList of FigureChapter One Introduction1.1 Background and purpose of the research1.2 Significance of the research1.3 Organization of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 English for Specific Purpose2.1.1 Definition of ESP2.1.2 Categories of ESP2.1.3 The studies on ESP2.2 Needs analysis2.2.1 The definition of needs analysis2.2.2 The importance of needs analysis2.2.3 Models for needs analysis2.3 Research on strategy trainingChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 CALLA model3.2 Introduction to the components in CALLA model3.3 The implementation of CALLA3.4 The studies on CALLAChapter Four Research Methodology4.1 Research questions4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments4.3.1 Pretest and posttest4.3.2 Questionnaires4.4 Procedure for data collection and data analysis4.4.1 Pre-class preparation for CALLA4.4.2 The implementation of CALLA4.4.3 Data collection4.4.4 Data analysisChapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion5.1 Needs analysis5.1.1 Target needs analysis5.1.2 Learning needs analysis5.1.3 Summary5.2 Learning strategy5.2.1 Status-quo of the usage of learning strategy5.2.2 The post-questionnaire of learning strategies5.3 Language proficiency5.3.1 Pretest Language proficiency5.3.2 The relation between pretest language proficiency and pretest learning strategy5.3.3 Post-test of Shipbuilding EnglishChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.1.1 Needs analysis6.1.2 Learning strategy6.1.3 Language proficiency6.2 Evaluation of the CALLA model6.3 Implications6.4 Limitations of the study and suggestions for the future research6.5 ConclusionsBibliographyAppendix one English proficiency testAppendix two needs analysis questionnaireAppendix three Learning Strategy questionnaireAppendix Four Shipbuilding English TestAppendix five the status-quo of each strategy of pretestAppendix six Independent T test of individual strategy of pretestAppendix seven Post-questionnaire of individual strategyAppendix eight Independent T-test of individual strategy of posttestAcknowledgement
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标签:专业英语论文; 需求分析论文; 认知学术语言学习方法论文; 船舶专业英语教学论文;