摘要AbstractIntroduction0.1 J. K. Rowling and her Harry Potter series0.2 Literary Review0.3 The Outline of the ThesisChapter 1 The Magic World as a Constructed Field1.1 Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory of Field-Habitus1.2 The Magic World as Another Version of the Real World1.2.1 The Magic World as Safe World for Children1.2.2 The Magic World Reflecting the Real World1.2.3 The Significance in Reality — Some Serious IssuesChapter 2 Three Strategies and Three Forces in the Main Fields2.1 Three strategies of struggles in the Field2.2 Main Fields and Display of the Three Forces in the Context of Harry Potter2.3 Some Other Fields Constructed in HogwartsChapter 3 Self-Identity under the Influence of Field3.1 The Influence of Field on Self-identity3.2 Opposite Influences of the Field of Harry Potter Series3.2.1 Good and Evil (Shadow and Bright)3.2.2 Death and Birth3.2.3 Muggle-born and Pure-Blood3.2.4 Justice and InjusticeChapter 4 Self-Identity with the Subjective Initiation4.1 The Importance of Characters’ Subjective Initiation4.2 Inner Struggles in Self and Self-Identity4.2.1 Longing and Fearing4.2.2 Being Ordinary and Being Extraordinary4.2.3 Absence and Omnipresence of Parents4.2.4 Independence and InterdependenceConclusionReferencesAppendix 详细中文摘要Acknowledgements
标签:哈利波特论文; 乔安妮凯瑟琳罗琳论文; 布迪厄论文; 场域惯习论文; 身份追求论文;