Acknowledgements摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter One An Overview of Olympic Marketing1.1 The Concept of Olympic Marketing1.2 The Olympic Marketing Programs1.2.1 Television Broadcasting1.2.2 Licensing1.2.3 Ticketing1.2.4 Sponsorship Programs1.2.5 Other Programs1.3 The Olympic Sponsorship1.3.1 The History of Olympic Sponsorship1.3.2 The Tiers of Olympic Sponsorship1.3.2.1 Worldwide Sponsorship1.3.2.2 OCOG Sponsorship1.3.2.3 National Sponsorship1.3.3 The Obligations and Rights of Olympic Sponsorship1.3.4 Sponsorship and Brand1.4 The Significance of Olympic MarketingChapter Two The Previous Olympic Marketing2.1 The Latest Three Olympic Sponsorship2.1.1 Atlanta Olympic Sponsorship2.1.2 Sydney Olympic Sponsorship2.1.3 Athens Olympic Sponsorship2.2 Performance Research2.2.1 Atlanta Olympics2.2.2 Sydney Olympics2.2.3 Athens Olympics2.3 Successful Cases2.3.1 Coca-Cola2.3.1.1 The Specific Sponsorship Objectives2.3.1.2 Amsterdam 19282.3.1.3 Los Angeles 19322.3.1.4 Atlanta 19962.3.1.5 Sydney 20002.3.1.6 Athens 20042.3.2 Samsung2.3.2.1 Samsung's Olympic Marketing Activities2.3.2.2 Benefits from the Sponsorship2.4 Failed Cases2.4.1 United Parcel Service (UPS)2.4.2 XeroxChapter Three The Olympic Marketing in China3.1 The Commencement of the Olympic Marketing in China3.1.1 Jianlibao3.1.2 Seagull Watch3.2 The Preliminary Development of the Olympic Marketing in China3.2.1 In the Early 1990s3.2.2 The Sydney 2000 Olympics3.3 The Further Development of the Olympic Marketing in China3.4 The Beijing 2008 Olympic Marketing3.4.1 Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Sponsorship Program3.4.1.1 Sponsorship Tiers3.4.1.2 Sponsors of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games3.4.1.3 Rights and Benefits3.4.2 The Modes of Olympic Marketing3.4.2.1 Official Olympic Marketing3.4.2.2 Ambush Olympic Marketing3.4.2.3 Joint Olympic Marketing3.4.3 The 2006 Annual Report of the Olympic Marketing3.4.3.1 Introduction3.4.3.2 The Result3.5 The Main Problems of Beijing 2008 Olympic Marketing3.5.1 The Ipsos Survey3.5.1.1 Sponsorship Performance Indexes3.5.1.2 Survey Results3.5.2 The Specific Problems3.5.2.1 Lack of Marketing3.5.2.2 Lack of Overall Strategy and Systematic Program3.5.2.3 Insufficient Marketing Budgets3.5.2.4 Mismatched Product Positioning and Marketing with the Olympics3.5.2.5 One-Track and Uninspired Marketing3.5.2.6 Wrong Recognition3.5.2.7 Ignoring Societal Interaction3.5.2.8 Half Marketing, Half QualityChapter Four Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy4.1 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)4.1.1 The Concept of Integrated Marketing Communications4.1.2 Goal of Integrated Marketing Communications4.1.3 Features of IMC4.1.4 Steps in Developing Effective Marketing Communications4.2 The Integrated Marketing Communications and the Olympic Marketing4.3 Specific Measures4.3.1 The Pre-Olympic Period4.3.1.1 Olympic Sponsorship is a Marathon, not a Sprint4.3.1.2 Form a Marketing Group4.3.1.3 Clarify a Marketing Objective4.3.1.4 Set a Marketing Theme in Line with the Olympic Theme4.3.1.5 Develop Olympic-themed Products4.3.1.6 Integrate Different Communications Tools4.3.1.7 Promote the Sponsorship at Multiple Points of Contact4.3.1.8 Unify the Image and the Slogan4.3.1.9 Launch Marketing on a Large Scale4.3.1.10 Be Innovative4.3.2 The Mid-Olympic Period4.3.2.1 Make Olympic-themed Advertisement4.3.2.2 Bid for the Broadcast of Olympic Programs in CCTV4.3.2.3 Sponsor One of the Chinese Teams4.3.2.4 Sign up Olympic Champions as Image Spokesmen4.3.2.5 Design New Packages with the Image of a Champion4.3.2.6 Launch Olympic-themed Activities4.3.2.7 Pay Great Attention to Competitors4.3.3 The Post-Olympic Period4.3.3.1 Celebrate the Olympic Champions4.3.3.2 Sponsor TV Serial about the Olympics and Olympic Champions. Invite Some Champions to Do a Report Tour4.3.3.4 Sign up a Sportsman as Spokesman4.3.3.5 Organize Olympic-themed Commemorative Activities4.3.3.6 Launch Nationwide Body-building Campaign4.3.3.7 Do Some Public Welfare Undertakings4.3.3.8 Pay More Attention to the Quality of the Product4.3.3.9 Bring the Olympic Values and Life Everyday4.3.3.10 Go GlobalConclusionBibliography指导教师评语
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标签:奥运营销论文; 整合营销论文; 赞助论文; 赞助商论文;