摘要ABSTRACTCHAPTER 1 Introduction1.1 Background of study1.2 Statement of the Problem1.3 Objectives of the Study1.4 Research Questions1.5 Significance of the Study1.6 Scope and Limitations1.7 An Overview of the Haier GroupCHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature2.1 Introduction and the Concept of Consumer Behavior2.2 Reasons why Consumer Behavioris studied2.3 Importance of the knowledge of Consumer Behavior to business firms2.4 Issues involved in the Study of Consumer Behavior2.5 Types of Consumer Buying Behavior2.5.1 Routine Response/Programmed Behavior2.5.2 Limited Decision Making2.5.3 Extensive Decision Making/Complex High Involvement2.5.4 Impulse Buying2.6 Stages of the Consumer Buying Process2.6.1 Problem Recognition(Awareness of need)2.6.2 Information Search2.6.3 Evaluation of Alternatives2.6.4 Purchase Decision2.6.5 Purchase2.6.6 Post-Purchase Evaluation2.7 Factors that affect the Consumer Buying Decision Process2.7.1 Personal Factors2.7.2 Psychological Factors2.7.3 Social Factors2.8 Application of the Knowledge of Consumer Behavior2.8.1 Marketing Strategy2.8.2 Public Policy2.8.3 Social Marketing2.8.4 Sensitization-Making Better ConsumersCHAPTER 3 Research Methodology3.1 Research Design3.2 Population and Sample3.2.1 Population of the Study3.2.2 Sample of the Study3.2.3 Sampling Technique3.3 Data Collection Instruments3.4 Validation of Data Collection Instruments3.5 Data Collection Procedure3.6 Procedure for Data AnalysisCHAPTER 4 Data Presentation,Interpretation and Analysis4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis4.2 Summary of FindingsCHAPTER 5 Summary,Conclusions and Recommendations5.1 Summary5.2 Conclusions5.3 RecommendationsAcknowledgmentsReferencesAPPENDIX
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标签:顾客购买行为论文; 海尔的产品论文; 客户最终决策权和价格论文;
Analysis of Customers’ Buying Behavior and Preferences in the Home Appliances Market-A Case Study of Haier