AcknowledgementsAbstract (Chinese)Abstract (English)Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Overall structure of the thesisChapter Two Theoretical Foundations of Interactive English Language Teaching2.1 Interaction and input, output in SLA2.1.1 Input and interaction2.1.1.1 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis and Long’s Interaction Hypothesis2.1.1.2 Input and meaning negotiations2.1.2 Output and interaction2.1.2.1 Swain’s Output Hypothesis and Long’s Interaction Hypothesis2.1.2.2 Output and meaning negotiations2.1.3 Summary2.2 Socio-cultural theories and interaction2.2.1 The theory of Zone of Proximal Development2.2.2 Scaffolding2.3 Socio-constructive theories and interaction2.4 SummaryChapter Three Problem Analysis in STHEE English Class3.1 Problems in STHEE College English tutoring class3.1.1 Small quantity of peer interaction3.1.2 Low quality of teacher-student interaction3.1.3 Bias on classroom interaction3.1.4 Summary3.2 Causes of the problems3.2.1 Students’poor foundation in English3.2.2 Students’weariness and lack of confidence in English learning3.2.3 Influence of the traditional way —PPP pedagogy3.2.4 Exam-pressed and exam-oriented class3.3 Interactive ELT —a possible way outChapter Four An Experimental Study4.1 Description4.2 Subjects4.3 Instrument4.4 Procedure and data collection4.4.1 Pre-test4.4.2 Implementation4.4.3 Post-test4.4.4 Post-survey4.5 A description of the teaching activities4.6 Results of the teaching experiment4.6.1 The results of pre-test4.6.2 The results of post-test4.7 Results of the questionnaire4.8 Research findingsChapter Five Analysis and Discussion5.1 Analysis of the experiment data5.1.1 STHEE pass rate5.1.2 Total average5.1.3 Average score of each part in post-test5.1.4 Effectiveness of traditional ELT on different test parts in Class B5.1.5 Effectiveness of interactive ELT on different test parts in Class A5.2 Discussion on interactive ELT in STHEE classroom5.2.1 Interaction and meaning negotiations5.2.2 Role transformation in the teacher5.2.3 Role transformation in students5.3 Answers to the research questions5.4 Major findings and pedagogical implicationsChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Suggestions for interactive ELT in STHEE classroom6.2 Limitations of the research and recommendations for further studyAppendix Ⅰ Pre-testAppendix Ⅱ Post-testAppendix Ⅲ Scores of Pre-testAppendix Ⅳ Scores of Post-testAppendix Ⅴ Post-surveyReferences
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标签:二语习得论文; 互动英语教学论文; 高教自学考试论文;