摘要ABSTRACTCONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Rationale and Significance of the Current Research1.1.1 Rationale1.1.2 Theoretical Significance1.1.3 Practical Significance1.2 Research Objectives1.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection1.4 Organization of Current StudyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Overview2.2 Previous Studies on Translation of Advertisements Abroad2.3 Previous Studies on Translation of Advertisements at Home2.3.1 Studies on Technique of Translation of Advertisements2.3.2 Studies on Theory of Translation of Advertisements2.3.3 Studies on Cultural Transfer of Advertisements2.4 Comments on the LiteratureChapter 3 Theoretical Framework of Current Study3.1 Overview3.2 The Cultural Dimensions of Advertising3.2.1 Working definition of Cultural Transfer of Advertisements3.2.2 Advertising and Culture3.2.3 Advertising and Cultural Communication3.2.4 Cultural Transfer in Translation of Advertisements and Intercultural Communication3.2.5 Cultural Influences of Foreign Advertisements3.3 Relevant Theories3.3.1 Skopos Theory of Translation Studies3.3.2 Cultural Issues in Intercultural Communication3.3.3 Mueller's Three Strategies for International Advertising Campaigns3.4 Theoretical Framework of Current StudyChapter 4 Cultural Issues in International Advertising4.1 Overview4.2 Cultural Universals or Similarities in International Advertising4.2.1 Cultural Universals4.2.2 Cultural Universals in International Advertising4.3 Cultural Differences and Conflicts in International Advertising4.3.1 Cultural Differences in Intercultural Communication4.3.2 Cultural Differences and Conflicts in International Advertising4.3.3 Linguistic Differences in International Advertising4.3.4 Non-linguistic Differences in International AdvertisingChapter 5 Orientations of Cultural Transfer in Translation of Advertisements5.1 Overview5.2 Globalization5.2.1 Globalization Defined5.2.2 Globalization in Action5.2.3 Advantages of Globalization5.3 Localization5.3.1 Localization Defined5.3.2 Localization in Action5.3.3 The Advantages of Localization5.4 Combination Strategy5.4.1 Combination Strategy Defined5.4.2 Combination Strategy in Action5.4.3 The Advantages of Combination StrategyChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Limitations of Current Study6.3 Suggestions for Further StudyREFERENCESACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
标签:广告翻译论文; 文化因素论文; 文化转换论文; 策略定位论文;