Abstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Related Concepts1.1.1 Definition of Code-switching1.1.2 Code-switching, Code-mixing and borrowing1.1.3 Types of Code-switching1.2 Development of Code-switching Studies1.3 Rationale of the StudyChapter two Literature Review2.1 General Review of CS2.2 Sociolinguistics study of CS2.2.1 The Markedness Model2.2.2 Domain Analysis2.2.3 Speech Accommodation Theory2.2.4 Theory of Overlapping Situations2.3 Grammatical study of CS2.3.1 Code-switching vs. Borrowing2.3.2 Matrix Language Frame Model2.3.3 Syntactic constraints on CS2.4 Pragmatic Study of CS2.4.1 Conversational Analysis of CS2.4.2 Adaptation Approach to CSChapter Three Source of Materials and Ways of Analysis3.1 Source of materials3.2 Ways of Analysis3.2.1 Objects of Investigation3.2.2 Aims of Research3.2.3 Ways of Analysis3.3 Explanations to material-collectingChapter Four Grammatical Analysis to the Materials4.1 Classification of the English embedded language4.1.1 Textual CS4.1.2 Sentential CS4.1.3 Intra-sentential CS4.2 Contrastive analysis to all kinds of embedded languages4.2.1 Analysis of words functioning as embedded language4.2.2 Analysis of phrases functioning as embedded language 4.2.3 Analysis of sentences functioning as embedded language4.2.4 Analysis of acronyms functioning as embedded languages4.3 Analyzing of functions of words and phrases functioning as embedded language4.3.1 Sing1e functioning embedded language4.3.2 Multi-functioning embedded language4.4 Comprehensive analysis of reasons of using code-switching4.4.1 From the point of language itself4.4.2 From the point of participants4.4.3 From the point of settings4.4.4 From the point of topicChapter Five Conclusions5.1 Conclusions and meaning of this research5.2 Researching remained to be perfected5.3 Prediction on Chinese-English code-switchingBIBLIOGRAPHYAPPENDIX1APPENDIX2ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录
标签:语码转换论文; 汉英语码转换论文; 嵌入语码论文;