中文摘要Abstract中文文摘ContentsChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Visuals and Pictorial Advertisements2.1 Visuals and Visual Studies2.2 Basics of Visuals and Pictorial Advertisements2.3 Development of Pictorial Advertisements2.4 Superiority of Pictorial AdvertisementsChapter Three Research Approaches and Semiotic Theories3.1 Research Approaches on Visuals and Pictorial Advertisements3.2 Semiotic TheoriesChapter Four Semiotics in Visuals4.1 Visuals and Saussurean Semiology4.2 Visuals and Peircean Semiotics4.3 Visuals and Barthes's Myth Theory4.4 Visuals and Eco's and Baudrillard's TheoriesChapter Five Visual Reading5.1 Influences from Words5.2 Influences from Ideology5.3 Consistent Reading and MisreadingChapter Six ConclusionReferences攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果Acknowledgements个人简历
标签:符号学论文; 图像广告论文; 图像论文; 意识形态论文;