Abstract摘要Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Theories and Development of Language Transfer2.1 The Definition of Language Transfer2.2 The Manifestations of Language Transfer2.2.1 Positive Transfer and Negative Transfer2.2.2 Interlingual Transfer and Intralingual Transfer2.2.3 Communication Transfer and Learning Transfer2.3 The Historical Development of Language Transfer Theories2.3.1 Behaviorist View and Contrastive Analysis2.3.2 Error Analysis Hypothesis2.3.3 The Interlanguage TheoriesChapter There Data Collection and Analysis3.1 Data Collection3.1.1 Subject3.1.2 Methods of Collecting Data3.2 Data Analysis3.2.1 The Analysis Methods3.2.2 Assumptions3.2.3 Procedures and Data Analysis3.2.4 ResultsChapter Four Categories of Negative Transfer and Interference of Chinese in Second Language Acquisition4.1 Phonetic Transfer4.1.1 Pronunciation4.1.2 Stress4.1.3 Intonation4.2 Lexical Transfer4.2.1 Article4.2.2 Noun and Number4.2.3 Collocation4.2.4 Derivation4.2.5 Redundance4.3 Syntactic Transfer4.3.1 Passive Voice4.3.2 Relative Clause4.3.3 Tense and Aspect4.3.4 Case4.3.5 Subject-prominent Language and Topic-prominent Language4.3.6 Word Order4.3.7 ConcordChapter Five Attitudes and Strategies of Avoiding Negative Transfer5.1 Attitudes to Errors5.1.1 The Distinction between Error and Mistake5.1.2 The Attitudes towards Errors Changed with Time5.2 Strategies of Avoiding Negative Language Transfer5.2.1 Contrastive Strategy5.2.1.1 The Premise of the Formation of Contrastive Strategy5.2.1.2 Introducing Target Language Culture to Teaching5.2.1.3 The Equal Attention to the Differences and Similarities5.2.1.4 A Constant Developing Strategy5.2.2 Error Analysis Strategy5.2.2.1 The Awareness of Correcting Errors5.2.2.2 The Positive Attitude towards Errors5.2.2.3 The Sources of an Error are not Always Unitary5.2.2.4 Avoiding Using Avoidance Strategy5.2.3 Large Quantity of Inputting of Target Language5.2.4 Translation Strategy5.2.5 Thinking in Target LanguageChapter Six ConclusionBibliographyAppendix Ⅰ Five Samples of CompositionsAppendix Ⅱ Interference Errors Examples in 40 CompositionsAcknowledgements
标签:语言迁移论文; 负迁移论文; 大学英语教学论文;