Abstract摘要0. Introduction0.1 The statement of the problem0.2 Significance of the study0.3 Background to the study0.4 The objectives and justifications of the study0.5 Key terms0.6 Overview of the dissertation1. Literature Review1.1 Perceptions of role of textbooks1.1.1 Textbooks as the curriculum1.1.2 Textbooks as sources of new theories1.1.3 Textbooks as practical time-saver1.1.4 Textbooks as aids to untrained and novice teachers1.2 Teachers' current practice and need to evaluate textbooks1.3 The need for a working model of textbook evaluation1.4 Existing models for evaluating textbooks1.4.1 Existing models advanced by researchers abroad1.4.1.1 Model advanced by Williams (1983) Model advanced by Cunningsworth (1984/2002) Model advanced by Grant (1987) Model advanced by Breen and Candlin (1987) Model advanced by Hutchinson and Waters (1987) Model advanced by Dougill (1987) Model advanced by Sheldon (1988) Model advanced by McDonough and Shaw (1993) Model advanced by Ellis (1997/1998) Model advanced by Littlejohn(1998) Model advanced by Tomhnson(1998/2003) Model advanced by McGrath (2002) Model advanced by McDonough and Shaw (2004)1.4.2 Existing models advanced by researchers at home1.4.2.1 Model advanced by Qian Yuan (1995) Model advanced by Zhou Xuelin(1996) Model advanced by Cheng Xiaotang (2002) Model advanced by Wang Qiang (2000) Model advanced by Liu Daoyi (2004) Model advanced by Sun Pinghua(2006)1.4.3 Summary2. Design and methodology2.1 The research questions2.2 Subjects2.3 Methods2.4 Data collection procedures2.5 Type and form of data collected2.6 Data analysis2.6.1 The sample2.6.2 Role of textbooks in teaching English as a foreign language2.6.3 Quality of textbooks2.6.4 Need for evaluation of textbooks2.6.5 Need for guidelines for textbook evaluation2.6.6 Current practice of textbook evaluation2.6.7 Criteria for evaluation2.6.8 Differences between the head teachers and practicing teachers2.6.9 Differences between the head teachers and subject supervisors2.6.10 Differences between the experienced and novice teachers2.6.11 Findings from the interviews with the head teachers2.6.11.1 Policy on textbook use2.6.11.2 Policy on textbook evaluation2.6.11.3 Opinions on textbook evaluation2.7 Discussion2.7.1 Teachers' perception of the role of textbooks2.7.2 Teachers' perception of the need for evaluating textbooks2.7.3 Current practice of textbook evaluation2.7.4 Criteria for evaluation2.7.5 Need for guidelines for textbook evaluation3. English Curriculum Standards (2001) and EFL instructional materials3.1 Introduction3.2 The definition of "standard"3.3 An analysis of English Curriculum Standards (2001)3.3.1 The background of the Standards3.3.2 Components of the Standards3.3.2.1 The general goal of the EFL course3.3.2.2 The desired contents objectives3. Language skills3. Linguistic knowledge3. Affect and attitudes3. Language learning strategies3. Cultural consciousness3.3.2.3 Proposals for implementation3.3.3 The nature of language3.3.3.1 A combination of the instrumental view and humanistic view3.3.3.2 The significance of learning a foreign language to the society and the learner3.3.4 The nature of learning3.3.4.1 A learner-centered holistic view of EFL learning3.3.4.2 Flexible and open-ended in nature3.3.4.3 To do things with English3.3.4.4 Process-oriented language instruction3.3.4.5 Assessment for learning rather than of learning3.3.4.6 Stress cast on developing and making adequate use of course resources3.4 The relationship between the Standards and materials4. Needs Analysis4.1 Introduction4.2 The definition of needs analysis4.3 Types of needs4.3.1 Target needs4.3.2 Learning needs4.4 A student needs analysis4.4.1 The framework for student needs analysis4.4.2 Participants4.4.3 Findings from the questionnaire and discussion5. Creation of an evaluation model5.1. Introduction5.2. Bases for the creation of evaluation model5.2.1 General functions of textbooks5.2.2 The Standards together with the student needs analysis5.3 Basic principles for the creation of evaluation model5.3.1 Rationale of the materials5.3.2 Learners' needs and interests5.3.3 Contents of the materials5.3.4 Language5.3.5 Skills covered5.3.6 Layout5.4. An evaluation model5.4.1 Composite evaluation model5.4.2 Hierarchy of criteria5.4.3 Detailed specifications and scoring of individual criteria6. Validating individual criteria - examples6.1 Example one6.1.1 Introduction: whys of studying sexism in Fun with English6.1.1.1 Textbooks and ideology6.1.1.2 Sexism in textbooks6.1.1.3 Whys of studying Fun with English6.1.2 Theories and methods6.1.2.1 Critical linguistics6.1.2.2 Textual analysis6.1.3 Textual analysis6.1.3.1 Males standing for success or influential6.1.3.2 Appreciative terms vs. depreciative terms6.1.3.3 Helper vs. helped6. Specific situations in which males help females6. Pictures in which males help females6. The proportions of males and females who get help6.1.4 Influences of sexism in textbooks6.2 Example two6.2.1 Introduction6.2.2 The heterogeneity of the English language and culture6.2.3 The goals of culture teaching in TEFL6.2.4 Teaching cultures from a globally integral perspective6.2.5 Summary7. The application of the model: a case study7.1 Fun with English (9B): the book to be evaluated7.2 Steps in the evaluation7.3 External evaluation of Fun with English (9B)7.4 Internal evaluation of Fun with English (9B)7.4.1 Content selection7.4.2 Ideological validity7.4.3 Psychological validity7.4.4 Pedagogical validity7.5 An overall evaluation of Fun with English (9B)8. Conclusion8.1 Major findings8.2 Implications8.3 Limitations8.4 Recommendations for further researchAppendixReferencesTextbooks referred
标签:基于语境论文; 教材评价模式论文; 二维层级标准论文;