A List of Abbreviations Used in the ThesisSynopsis摘要ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 The Nature and Features of the C-E Dictionaries for the Foreign Learners of Chinese1.2 The Significance of the Dictionaries of the C-E Dictionaries for the Foreign Learners of Chinese1.2.1 Innovative Feature1.2.2 The Importance of Bilingual Learner's Dictionary1.2.3 Lexicographic Value of the Research1.3 Main Contents of the Paper1.3.1 Sense Ordering1.3.2 Equivalent Selection and the Ways to Discriminate Equivalents1.3.3 Pictorial Illustrations1.3.4 The Corpora, the Comparative Studies of Chinese and English and the Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language1.4 Relevant Concepts and Ways of AnalysisChapter Two Sense Ordering in the Chinese-English Dictionaries for the Foreign Learners of Chinese2.1 Introduction2.2 Ways of Sense Ordering2.2.1 Frequency Order2.2.2 Logical Order2.2.3 Historical Order2.3 Proposals of the Thesis2.3.1 Frequency as the Primary Order2.3.2 Part-of-speech as Organizer2.3.3 A Comprehensive Order2.4 Lessons and Prospects2.4.1 A Lesson from CPLDCC2.4.2 A Lesson from Different Views2.4.3 ProspectsChapter Three Equivalent Selection and Equivalent Discrimination3.1 Introduction3.2 The Equivalent Selection3.2.1 The Necessity of Equivalent Selection3.2.2 The Obstacles of Equivalent Selection3.2.3 Ways to Select Equivalents3.3 The Equivalent Discrimination3.3.1 The Analysis of the Example3.3.2 The Significance of Equivalent Discrimination in the C-E Dictionary for the Foreign Learners of Chinese3.3.3 Implicit Equivalent Discrimination3.3.4 Explicit Equivalent Discrimination3.4 SummaryChapter Four Pictorial Illustrations4.1 Introduction4.1.1 The Advantages of Pictorial Illustrations4.1.2 The Cognitive Significance of Pictorial Illustrations4.1.3 The Necessity of the Pictorial Illustrations in Learner's Dictionaries4.2 New Functions of Pictorial Illustrations in Learner's Dictionaries4.2.1 Types of Pictorial Illustrations4.2.2 Pedagogical Functions of the Pictorial Illustrations in English Learner's Dictionaries4.2.3 The Application of Pictorial Illustrations in the C-E Dictionaries in China4.3 SuggestionsChapter Five Relevant Issues Worthy of Attention5.1 Introduction5.2 Corpora, Comparative Studies of Chinese and English and the Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language5.2.1 The Significance of Corpora in Chinese-English Dictionaries for the Foreign Learners of Chinese5.2.2 The Significance of Comparative Studies of Chinese and English5.2.3 The Cooperation With the Teachers of Teaching Chinese to Foreigners5.3 Significance of the Issues for Sense Ordering, Equivalent Selection and Discrimination, and Pictorial illustrationsChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Review6.2 Innovations6.2.1 A Comprehensive Order of Senses6.2.2 Implicit and Explicit Equivalent Discriminations6.2.3 Pedagogical Functions of the Pictorial Illustrations6.3 Limitations6.3.1 Limitations of the Analysis6.3.2 Limitations of Empirical Studies, Experiences and the Means of Research6.3.3 Personal Elements6.4 Suggestions and Prospects6.4.1 Lessons from Linguistics6.4.2 Lessons from Other Dictionaries6.4.3 ProspectsAppendicesReferencesAcknowledgements
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标签:汉英词典论文; 对外汉语论文; 微观结构论文;