AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 The research background1.2 Current situation of abstract writing1.3 Data collection and methodology of the study1.4 Structure of the thesisCHAPTER TWO ABSTRACTS AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF TRANSLATING THE ABSTRACTS IN DOCTORAL JURISPRUDENTIAL THESES2.1 Introduction of the abstract2.1.1 Definition and categories of abstracts2.1.2 Functions of abstracts2.2 Requirements of translating the abstracts in doctoral jurisprudential theses2.2.1 Precision2.2.2 Conciseness2.2.3 FormalityCHAPTER THREE MISTRANSLATIONS OF LEXICON IN THE SAMPLE ABSTRACTS3.1 The leading features of the legal vocabulary3.2 Mistranslated words in the sample abstracts3.2.1 Mistranslated terminologies3.2.2 Mistranslated common wordsCHATER FOUR MISTRANSLATIONS OF SYNTAX IN THE SAMPLE ABSTRACTS4.1 The characteristics of syntax of legal English4.2 The Difference between legal English and legal Chinese in syntax4.2.1 Synthetic vs analytic4.2.2 Parataxis vs hypotaxis4.3 Mistranslation of long sentences in sample abstrats4.3.1 Mistranslation in cohesion4.3.2 Mistranslation in expression4.4 Mistranslation of voices in the sample abstractsCHAPTER FIVE SOLUTIONS TO MISTRANSLATIONS5.1 Reasons for mistranslations5.1.1 Shortage of professional knowledge of law5.1.2 Shortage of knowledge of legal language5.2 Solutions to Mistranslations5.2.1 Solutions to Lexical Mistranslation5.2.1.1 Seeking the closest equivalents5.2.1.2 Paraphrase5.2.1.3 Neologism5.2.2 Solutions to Syntactic Mistranslation5.2.2.1 Rearrangement5.2.2.2 AdditionCHAPTER SIX CONCLUSIONAppendixBibliography
标签:法学博士论文摘要论文; 法学翻译论文; 误译分析论文; 词汇论文; 句法论文;