ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Overview1.2 Background of Fossilization Research1.3 Significance of This Research1.4 Organization of the DissertationChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 The Recent Developments of Fossilization Research2.2.1 Defining Fossilization2.2.2 Behavioral Reflexes of Fossilization2.2.3 Causal Variables of Fossilization2.2.4 Difficulties in Research on Fossilization2.2.5 Problems in Fossilization Studies2.3 Fossilization or Stabilization as the Object of Empirical Studies of Fossilization2.4 Fossilization from Emergentist and Connectionist Perspectives2.4.1 Emergentist Approaches to Language and SLA2.4.2 Connectionism2.4.3 Rational Contingency Learning2.4.3.1 The Design of an Optimal Processor2.4.3.2 The Rational Analysis of Learning and Memory2.4.3.3 Contingency: △P2.4.3.4 Irrationalities as the Results of the Effects of Attention2.5 Attention and Noticing Hypothesis2.6 Focus on Form2.7 Conceptual Framework of the Present Study and Research QuestionsChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 A Questionnaire Study: Research into the Existence of Fossilization and Stabilization3.2.1 L2 learners’Self-Report about Fossilization and Stabilization3.2.1.1 Participants3.2.1.2 Methods and Materials3.2.1.3 Procedures3.2.2 Foreign Language Teachers’Observation of Fossilization and Stabilization3.2.2.1 Participants3.2.2.2 Methods and Materials3.2.2.3 Procedures3.2.2.4 A Pilot Study3.3 A Pseudo-Longitudinal Study: Research into the Existence of Fossilization and Stabilization3.3.1 Participants3.3.2 Methods and Materials3.3.3 Procedures and Coding3.3.4 A Pilot Study3.4 Research on the Possibility of Destabilization3.4.1 Experiment 1: The Effects of Different Types of Feedback on Stabilized Features3.4.1.1 Participants3.4.1.2 Methods and Materials3.4.1.3 Procedures and Coding3.4.2 Experiment 2: The Effects of Input Enhancement on Stabilized Features3.4.2.1 Input Enhancement3.4.2.2 Participants3.4.2.3 Methods and Materials3.4.2.4 Procedures and Coding3.4.3 Experiment 3: The Effects of Enhanced Output on Stabilization3.4.3.1 Previous Research on Enhanced Output3.4.3.2 Participants3.4.3.3 Methods and Materials3.4.3.4 Procedures and CodingChapter 4 Research on the Existence of Fossilization and Stabilization: Results and Discussions4.1 Introduction4.2 L2 learners’Self-Report about Fossilization and Stabilization4.2.1 Handling Irrelevant Data4.2.2 Motivation Types4.2.3 Subject-Predicate Agreement4.2.4 Inflection of Plurals4.2.5 Inflection of Past Tense Predicate4.2.6 Distinguishing “He”and “She”4.2.7 Articles4.2.8 General Impression on IL Development4.2.9 Multiple Choice Items4.2.10 Open-Ended Questions4.2.11 Summary4.3 Foreign Language Teachers’Observation of Fossilization and Stabilization4.3.1 General Evaluation of Development and Cessation4.3.2 Specific Features4.3.3 The Participants’Feedback on Their Students’Mistakes4.3.4 Multiple Choice Items4.3.5 The Open-Ended Items4.3.6 Summary4.4 A Pseudo-Longitudinal Study4.4.1 Introduction4.4.2 Results and Discussion4.4.2.1 The Grammaticality Judgment Task4.4.2.2 The Dictogloss Task4.4.2.3 The Elicited Imitation Task4.4.3 SummaryChapter 5 The Effects of Different Types of Feedback on Stabilized Features: Results and Discussions5.1 Introduction5.2 The Pretest5.3 The Instructional Intervention Process5.3.1 Past Tense Marking5.3.2 Third Person Singular Marking5.3.3 Articles5.4 The Immediate Posttest5.5 The Delayed Posttest5.6 SummaryChapter 6 The Possibility of Destabilization: Results and Discussions of Experiment 2 and Experiment 36.1 Introduction6.2 The Effects of Input Enhancement on Stabilized Features6.2.1 The Pretest6.2.2 The Immediate Posttest6.2.3 The Delayed Posttest6.2.4 Summary6.3 The Effects of Enhanced Output on Stabilization6.3.1 The First Pretest6.3.2 The Second Pretest6.3.3 The Immediate Posttest6.3.4 The Delayed Posttest6.3.5 SummaryChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 Introduction7.2 Results Summary7.3 Contributions of the Research7.3.1 Theoretical Significance7.3.2 Pedagogical Implications7.3.3 Methodological Significance7.4 Limitations of the Research7.5 Recommendations for Further Research7.6 ConclusionBibliographyAppendix I Questionnaire for StudentsAppendix II Questionnaire for TeachersAppendix III Material for the Pseudo-Longitudinal Study
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标签:石化论文; 停滞论文; 发生主义论文; 语言习得论文; 理性关联学习论文; 注意论文;