Acknowledgements摘要AbstractContentsList of Tables and FiguresChapter One INTRODUCTION1.1 The Significance of Vocabulary1.2 Factors Affecting Learners' Learning Achievements1.3 Structure of This ThesisChapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Researches on Learning Strategies2.1.1 Defining "learning strategies"2.1.2 Methods used to investigate learning strategies2.2 Studies of Vocabulary Learning Strategies2.2.1 Taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies2.2.2 Overview of vocabulary learning strategies research2.3 Motivation2.3.1 The notion of motivation2.3.2 Motivation classifications2.3.3 Integrative and instrumental motivation2.3.4 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation2.4 Vocabulary Testing2.4.1 Receptive vocabulary vs. productive vocabulary2.4.2 Sense relations2.4.2.1 Synonymy2.4.2.2 Antonymy2.4.2.3 Hyponymy2.4.3 Considerations in constructing a vocabulary test2.5 Current Vocabulary Instruments in Use2.5.1 Cloze test2.5.2 Multiple-choice2.5.3 Word associationChapter Three RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES3.1 Subjects3.2 Instruments in Research One3.2.1 The questionnaire3.2.2 The semi-structured interview3.3 Instruments in Research Two3.3.1 The questionnaire3.3.2 The semi-structured interview3.4 Instruments in Research Three3.4.1 Vocabulary testsChapter Four RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS4.1 Data Descriptions4.1.1 Scoring procedures4.1.2 Definitions of key terms4.1.2.1 The mean4.1.2.2 The standard deviation4.1.2.3 Correlation coefficients4.1.2.4 T-test4.2 Overall Pattern of Students' Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies4.3 The Most/least Frequently Used Vocabulary Learning Strategies4.4 Differences in Using Vocabulary Learning Strategies between High Vocabulary Achievers and Low Vocabulary Achievers4.5 Correlations between Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Vocabulary Test Scores4.6 Motivation Types of the Subjects4.7 Correlations between Specific Motivation Types and Vocabulary Test ScoresChapter Five CONCLUSION5.1 Major Findings of the Study5.1.1 Major findings of the vocabulary learning strategies research5.1.2 Major findings of the vocabulary learning motivations research5.2 Limitations and Recommendations for Future Studies5.3 Pedagogical ImplicationsReferencesAppendix I The semi-structured interview for Research OneAppendix II Questionnaire on the learners' motivationAppendix III Questionnaire on the learners' vocabulary learning strategiesAppendix IV The semi-structured interview for Research TwoAppendix V Receptive vocabulary size testAppendix VI Productive vocabulary size test
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标签:语言学习动机论文; 元认知策略论文; 认知策略论文; 社会情感策略论文;