基于物体表面形状模型由单幅图象重构三维曲面的 研究摘要Abstract第1章 基于图象的三维重构概述1.1 基于图象的三维重构的研究现状和意义1.2 论文的主要研究内容及组织结构第2章 图象中的目标分割2.1 图象分割的一般过程2.2 图象分割算法概述2.2.1 Otsu类判别分析法进行图象分割算法概述2.2.2 基于RGB彩色模型的分割2.3 利用中值滤波去除图象中的噪声点2.4 图象边缘检测2.4.1 利用高斯—拉普拉斯算子检测边缘2.4.2 实验结果与分析第3章 三维重构中摄像机的标定3.1 摄像机模型3.1.1 图象坐标系、摄像机坐标系、世界坐标系3.1.2 摄像机模型3.2 基于立方体的摄像机标定法3.2.1 特征点的获取3.2.2 线性模型摄像机标定3.2.3 实验结果第4章 基于物体表面形状的三维曲面重构分析4.1 图象灰度与物体表面光辐照度的关系4.2 简单的规则物体重构分析4.2.1 求解非线性方程组最小二乘解广义逆法4.2.2 物体光源方向的确定4.2.3 实验分析与结果4.3 基于二次曲面的不规则曲面重构分析4.3.1 空间二次曲面的表示及不规则曲面重构4.3.2 非线性方程组的梯度法求解4.3.3 实验验证与结果4.4 本章小节第5章 结论与展望5.1 结论5.2 进一步工作展望参考文献攻读硕士学位期间发表学术论文情况致谢基于图象的三维重构方法探讨第1章 绪论1.1 计算机视觉第2章 三维重构技术2.1 基于主动技术的三维重构2.1.1 三角测量法2.1.2 相位测量法2.2 基于被动技术的三维重构2.2.1 从纹理恢复形状(SFT)2.2.2 从明暗恢复形状(SFS)2.2.3 从轮廓恢复形状2.2.4 从几何信息恢复形状2.2.5 基于骨架模型2.2.6 立体视觉技术2.2.7 分层重构技术第3章 图象预处理3.1 图像平滑处理3.1.1 均值滤波器3.1.2 中值滤波器3.2 图象分割3.2.1 图象分割的定义及过程3.2.2 基于阈值的分割方法3.2.3 基于边缘的分割方法3.2.4 基于区域的分割方法3.2.5 基于人工神经网络的分割方法3.2.6 基于小波分析和变换的分割方法3.2.7 基于数学形态学的分割技术3.2.8 遗传算法在图像分割中的应用3.2.9 基于偏微分方程的图像分割3.2.10 基于模糊集理论的分割方法3.3 图像边缘检测3.3.1 梯度3.3.2 常用边缘检测算子第4章 摄相机标定4.1 传统标定方法4.2 基于主动视觉系统的自定标方法4.3 自标定方法(self-calibration)第5章 结论与展望5.1 结论5.2 进一步工作展望参考文献The study of Based on the object's surface shape mode of three-dimensional reconstruction from a single imageChapter 1 Based on the image three-dimensional reconstructionOverview1.1 Image-based measurement technology of the status and significance1.2 the paper the main content and organizational structureChapter 2 the goals of image segmentation2.1 Segmentation of the general process2.2 Image Segmentation Overview2.2.1 Otsu category discriminant analysis method outlined Segmentation Algorithm2.2.2 RGB color model based on the segmentation2.3 in the use of median filtering to remove images of isolated points2.3.1 median filtering2.4 Edge detection2.4.1 detection of useing Gauss-Laplace operator edge2.4.2 The results and analysisChapter 3 the camera calibration of three-dimensional reconstruction3.1 camera model3.1.1 image coordinates,the camera coordinate system,the world coordinate system3.1.2 camera model3.2 Based on the calibration of the cube3.2.1 feature points of access3.2.2 linear model calibration3.2.3 The results Chapter 4 based on the surface of the three-dimensional shape ofsurface reconstruction4.1 image with the gray surface of the relationship between the radiation4.2 simple rules objects of reconstruction4.2.1 for solving nonlinear equations generalized inverse law of the least-squares4.2.2 objects determine the direction of light4.2.3 experimental analysis and results4.3 on the second surface of the irregular surface reconstruction4.3.1 space and that the second surface of the irregular surface reconstruction4.3.3 nonlinear equations of the gradient method4.3.4 experimental verification and resultsChapter 5 conclusions and Prospects5.1 Conclusion5.2 Prospects for further workBased on the three-dimensional image reconstruction of DiscussionChapter 1 Computer Vision1.1 Computer VisionChapter 2 3D Reconstruction2.1 The 3D Reconstruction base on the initiative technology2.1.1 triangulation method2.1.2 phase measurement2.2 passive technology based on the three-dimensional reconstruction2.2.1 texture from the resumption of shape (SFT)2.2.2 resume from the dark shape(SFS)2.2.3 resume from the contour shape2.2.4 information from the geometric shape resume2.2.5 based on the model skeleton2.2.6 three-dimensional visual technology2.2.7 layered ReconstructionChapter 3 Image Segmentation3.1 image segmentation approach3.1.1 based on the threshold of segmentation3.1.2 based on the edge of the Segmentation3.1.3 based on the regional segmentation method3.1.4 based on artificial neural network segmentation3.1.5 based on wavelet analysis and transform the segmentation method3.1.6 based on the mathematical morphology Segmentation3.1.7 genetic algorithm in the application of image segmentation3.1.8 based on partial differential equations of image segmentation3.1.9 based on fuzzy set theory of segmentation3.2 image segmentation and technological development trend3.2.1 the integration of a variety of features3.2.2 The combination of a variety of separate ways3.3 edge detectionChapter 4 camera calibration4.1 The traditional method of calibration4.2 Based on the initiative of the visual system since Calibration4.3 self-calibration methods(self-calibration)Chapter 5 conclusions and Prospects5.1 Conclusion5.2 Prospects for further work
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标签:三维重构论文; 图象分割论文; 相机标定论文; 光照模型论文; 二次曲面论文;