
本论文讨论当前电子科大非英语专业学生的二语即英语写作问题。作者首先就当前的写作教学现状进行了分析,对英语写作教学史上一系列相关教学方法进行了批判性的回顾,并以此为基础,从理论和实践方面对英语写作教学进行了深入探讨。作者主张在电子科大这样一所理工科学校的写作教学中将以体裁为基础的学术写作应用于英语写作教学中去。学术写作能够使工科学生顺利度过从大学基础英语到专业英语的转变,并为今后的工作以及科学研究提供良好的英文学术基础。体裁教学法不同于传统的以语篇为基础的教学方法,其优点在于该方法从语篇和文体的角度出发,不仅从语言,而且从文体上帮助学生解决写作中语言表达及逻辑结构方面的问题。一方面,教师可以直接地就某一文体范文进行分析,使得学生了解该文体的特点; 另一方面,教师可以间接地将该方法运用于教学中,帮助学生顺利完成从科技文献读者到作者的转变过程。本文作者通过对这一理念的课堂设计和实施,所得结果证明,对于学术写作,不仅懂得写什么而且懂得了怎么写,从而完成学术写作这一积极的信息交流过程。
AcknowledgmentsAbstractsContentsIntroductionChapter One Current Situation Regarding the Teaching of EFL writing1.1 Current Situation Regarding the Teaching of EFL Writing1.1.1 Overall Situation of EFL Writing in China1.1.2 Specific Situation Concerning UESTC1.2 The Students’Attitude towards EFL Writing1.3 The Teachers’Dilemma1.3.1 Difficulty in Organizing Teaching Program1.3.2 The Heavy Burden of Composition Correction1.4 Reasons for the Problem with EFL Writing1.4.1 Low Priority for Writing1.4.2 Limited Teacher Resources for Writing1.4.3 Students’Lack of Systematic Knowledge for EFL Writing.Chapter Two Reflections on the Teaching of EFL writing2.1 The Nature of EFL Writing2.2 The Significance of EFL Writing2.3 Academic Writing---A Tentative Approach to EFL writing in UESTC2.3.1 A Gap Between Students’General English and Specific English in UESTC2.3.2 Academic Writing---A Tentative Approach to EFL Writing in UESTC2.4 Comparisons of Different Writing Approaches2.4.1 Product –focused Approach2.4.2 Writing Process Approach2.4.3 Comparison Between Product Approach and Process ApproachChapter Three A Genre-based Approach to the Academic Writing3.1 What is Genre?3.2 The Genre-based Approach in Teaching-Learning Cycle3.3 Pedagogical Implication of Genre-based Approach in UESTCChapter Four Application of Genre-based Approach in EFL Writing Class4.1 Factors Affecting the Study of Genre-based Approach in Chinese EFL Class4.1.1 The Goal4.1.2 The Approaches and Techniques4.1.3 Selection of the Genres4.1.4 Teachers’Role and Learners’Competence4.2 What is Specific in a Scientific English Discourse?4.2.1 Scientific Versus Literary Context4.2.2 Scientific Texts Selection4.2.3 Analysis of Scientific Texts4.2.4 Pedagogical Implications for Language Teaching4.3 What Scientific Texts Should Be Selected?4.3.1 Learners’Needs4.3.2 Length of Texts4.3.3 Range of Texts4.3.4 Accessibility4.3.5 Effect4.4 How Should an EFL Teacher Prepare the Teaching?4.4.1 Text Transformation as Dominant in the Activities4.4.2 Teachers’Role in the Study4.4.3 The Effect to be PredictedChapter Five Experiment and Analysis5.1 Experiment Design5.1.1 Purpose of the Study5.1.2 Subjects Description5.1.3 Investigation Method5.1.4 Data Processing5.2 The Process of the Experiment5.2.1 Pre-step: Needs Analysis5.2.2 Sample Lessons: The Techniques of Writing Abstracts5.2.3 Sample Lessons: The Techniques of Writing Proposals5.3 The Presentation of Results5.4 Students’Response5.4.1 Questionnaire5.4.2 Feedback5.4.3 Interview5.5 The Analysis of Results5.5.1 Some Benefits of the Genre-based Approach5.5.2 Some Disadvantages of the Genre-based ApproachChapter 6 ConclusionBibliography个人简历
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标签:英语写作论文; 学术写作论文; 教学方法论文; 过程教学论文; 体裁教学论文; 体裁论文;
Teaching Academic Writing to Science and Engineering Students: A Genre-based Approach