
Abstract摘要List of TablesIntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 Researches on Language Learning Strategies1.1.1 Definitions of Language Learning Strategies1.1.2 Classifications of Language Learning Strategies1.2 Researches on Vocabulary Learning Strategies1.2.1 Classifications of Vocabulary Learning Strategies1.2.2 Studies on Vocabulary Learning Strategies in the West1.2.3 Vocabulary Learning Strategies Researches in ChinaChapter Two Theoretical Background2.1 Constructivist Learning Theory2.2 The Theory of Memory2.3 The Theory of Depths of Processing2.4 The Semantic Field Theory2.5 The Input Theory of KrashenChapter Three A Survey of Vocabulary Learning Strategies3.1 The Purpose of this Survey3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Vocabulary Size Test3.3.2 Questionnaires3.3.3 Interviews3.4 Data Collection3.5 Data Analysis3.6 Results of the Survey3.6.1 The Results of the Vocabulary Test3.6.2 Subjects' Overall Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies3.6.3 Analysis of Strategies Use in Each Sub-Category3.6.4.Differences in the Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies between High-proficiency learners and low-proficiency learners3.6.5 Outcomes of Interview and Discussion3.7 A summary of this SurveyChapter Four An Experiment on English vocabulary strategies training4.1 Training Models of Language Learning Strategies4.2 Objects of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Training4.3 Experiment Procedure4.4 Implementation of Vocabulary Strategy Training4.4.1 Pre-planning Strategy4.4.2 Regularity of Pronunciation4.4.3 Imagination Strategy4.4.4 Classification Strategy4.4.5 Word-formation Analysis Strategy4.5 Evaluation of the Training Effects4.5.1 Influences of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Training on Vocabulary Scores4.5.2 Influences of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Training on Strategy Application4.5.3 Influences of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Training on English Learning Scores4.6 Sectional ConclusionConclusionBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix ⅣAcknowledgements
标签:小学生论文; 学习策略论文; 词汇学习策略论文; 学习策略培训论文;