Abstract摘要AcknowledgementIntroduction:Approaching Sitcom RepresentationTaking Sitcoms SeriouslyTheoretical FrameworkMethodologyStructureSelection of TextsChapter 1 The Making of Sitcom1.1 What is Sitcom?1.2 Characteristics of Sitcom1.3 Types of Sitcom1.4 Ideology in SitcomNotes to Chapter lChapter 2 Ethnicity in American Sitcom from 1950s to 1980s2.1 Colors in Sitcom2.1.1 1950s:Appearance of Colors2.1.2 1960s:Dis-appearance of Colors2.1.3 1970s:Return of Colors2.1.4 1980s:Celebrating Color Black2.2 Major Features of Representations in Sitcoms2.2.1 Domination of Whiteness2.2.2 Black and White Binary2.2.3 Negative Images2.2.4 Ambivalence in Ethnic Discourse2.3 Politics of Representation2.3.1 Constructing Positive Images2.3.2 (Cultural) Assimilation2.3.3 Living with DifferencesNotes to Chapter 2Chapter 3 Representing Ethnicity in Non-white American Sitcoms in the 1990s3.1 The 1990s:A Different World?3.1.1 General Social Political Context3.1.2 Demographic Growth and Non-white Spending3.1.3 Television Industry3.2 Representations of Ethnicity in Non-white Sitcoms3.2.1 Black Sitcoms3.2.1.1 Commercial Networks Vying for the Market3.2.1.2 Black's Presence and Portraits3.2.1.3 Multiplicity/Diversity/Heterogeneity in Representing Blackness3.2.2 Asian American Sitcoms3.2.2.1 Asian Americans in the 1990s3.2.2.2 Televisual Representations of Asian Americans3.2.2.3 All-American Girl3.2.3 Invisibility of Hispanic and Native American SitcomsNotes to Chapter 3Chapter 4 Representing"the Other"in White Sitcoms:A Quantitative Study of Seinfele and Friends4.1 Stories of the Whites:Plot Summary of Seinfeld and Friends4.2 Methodology4.3 Categorization4.4 Results and Discussion4.4.1 White Domination4.4.2 Unbanlaced Presence Among Peoples of Color4.4.3 Difference in Gender Casting4.4.4 Wide Range of Characters and Professions4.4.5 Middle Class Privileged4.4.6 Unnamed and inarticulated4.4.7 Extensive Inter-racial ContactNotes to Chapter 4Chapter 5 Representing"the Other"in White Sitcoms:A Qualitative Study of Seinfeld and Friends5.1 White Skin Black Masks:Representations of Jewishness5.2 Perfect"Bitch":Women of Color5.3 Winner or Loser:Colored Men5.4 Witch Girl and Clown Boy:Colored Children5.5 Normalcy,Stereotyping,and RacismNotes to Chapter 5Conclusion:Sitcom Situates EthnicityKnowledge Derived from the StudySitcom Situates EthnicityImplications for Future SitcomsFurther ResearchBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix Ⅱ
标签:再现论文; 种族性论文; 美国情景喜剧论文;