摘要ABSTRACTChapter One Introduction1.1 Thoughts on Translation and A Brief Introduction to Xu Yuanchong and his Translation1.1.1 Thoughts on Translation1.1.2 A Brief Introduction to Xu Yuanchong and His Translation1.2 Purpose in Choosing the Topic for the Research1.3 Research Significance1.4 Research Methodology1.5 Research Feasibilities1.6 the Organization of the EssayChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Historical Review of the Translator’s Status2.2 Different Ideas on Translator’s Subjectivity2.2.1 Transltor’s Subjectivity in a Constrained Way2.2.2 Translator’s Subjectivity in an Unconstrained WayChapter Three Theory of Subjectivity as the Theoretical Basis3.1 Definitions of Subject and Object3.2 Marx and Engel's Understandings of Subject and Subjectivity3.3 Translator's Subjectivity in Hermeneutics3.4 Translator's Subjectivity in Cultural StudiesChapter Four Xu Yuanchong’s Subjectivity in Tang Poetry Translation and Criterion for Judging his Performance4.1 Comments on Xu Yuanchong’s Subjectivity in Tang Poetry Translation4.1.1 Praise for Xu’s Tang Poetry Translation4.1.2 Disagreement with Xu Yuanchong’s Tang Poetry Translation4.2 Translatability of Poems4.2.1 Diffulties in Poetry Translation4.2.2 Brief Introduction to Ancient Chinese Poetry and its Characteristics4.2.3 The Difference between Chinese and English Poetry4.3 Criterion for Judging the Exercise of the Translator’s subjectivity4.3.1 Several Definitions of Intersubjectivity4.3.2 Intersubjectivity in Poetry Translation4.3.3 The Formulation of the CriterionChapter Five XU’S Appropriate Exercise of Translator'sSubjectivity in Tang Poetry Translation5.1 Appropriate Exercise of Translator's Subjectivity in the Reproduction of the Beauty in Sense5.2 Appropriate Exercise of Translator's Subjectivity in the Reproduction of the Beauty in Sound5.3 Appropriate Exercise of Translator’s Subjectivity in the Reproduction of the Beauty in FormChapter Six Xu’s Inappropriate Exercise of Translator's Subjectivity in Poetry Translation6.1 Inappropriate Exercise of Translator's Subjectivity in the Reproduction of the Beauty in Sense6.2 Inappropriate Exercise of Translator's Subjectivity in the Reproduction of the Beauty in Sound6.3 Inappropriate Exercise of Translator's Subjectivity in the Reproduction of the Beauty in FormChapter Seven ConclusionAcknowledgmentsReferencesAppendix----Academic Writing
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标签:许渊冲论文; 唐诗翻译论文; 译者主体性论文; 适宜度论文;