摘要AbstractIntroduction0.1 Research Objectives0.2 Significance of the Study0.3 Methodology0.4 General OrganizationChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 Definitions of Code-switching1.1.1 Code-switching and Code-mixing1.1.2 Code-switching and Borrowing1.2 Types of Code-switching1.3 Research Approaches to Code-switching1.3.1 The Sociolinguistic Solution1.3.2 The Psycholinguistic Perspective1.3.3 The Conversation Analysis Position1.3.4 The Pragmatic Analysis1.3.5 The Grammatical Approach1.4 SummaryChapter 2 Study of Mongolian/Chinese Code-switching: Results and Discussion2.1 Switching Types2.2 The Structures of Intra-sentential Code-switching2.2.1 Code-switching at the Lexical Level2.2.2 Code-switching at the Syntactic Level2.3 The Structural Features of Inter-sentential Code-switching2.3.1 Code-switching at the Clausal Level2.3.2 Code-switching at the Sentential Level2.4 SummaryChapter 3 A Comparison between Mongolian/Chinese Code-switching and Other Types of Code-switching3.1 Comparison between Mongolian/Chinese and Korean/Chinese Code-switching3.1.1 The Features of Korean/Chinese Code-switching3.1.2 Similarities and Differences between Mongolian/Chinese Code-switching3.2 Comparison between Mongolian/Chinese and Chinese/English Code-switching3.2.1 The Features of Chinese/English Code-switching3.2.2 Similarities and Differences between Mongolian/Chinese Code-switching and Chinese/English Code-switching3.3 Similarities and Differences of the Three Pairs of Code-switching3.4 Reasons for the Similarities and Differences among Code-switching Pairs3.5 SummaryConclusionNotesReferencesAcknowledgementsAppendix: Transcripts of Recordings详细中文摘要Résuméand Publications since Entering the Program
标签:语码转换论文; 蒙古语论文; 汉语论文; 结构特征论文;