AcknowledgementsAbstract内容摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Objectives of the Study1.3 Significance of the Study1.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 An Overview of Discourse Analysis2.1.1 A B rief History of Discourse Analysis2.1.2 Domestic Studies on Discourse Analysis2.2 Previous Studies on Teaching Discourses2.2.1 Studies on Features and Functions of Teacher Talk2.2.2 Studies on Amount of Teacher Talk2.2.3 Studies on Teachers' Questions2.2.4 Studies on Modification of Teacher Talk2.2.5 Studies on Code-switching in Teacher Talk2.2.6 Studies on Feedback of Teachers2.3 CommentsChapter Three Theories of Identity:The Theoretical Framework3.1 Basic Concepts of Identity3.1.1 Definitions of Identity3.1.2 Categories of Identity3.2 Teachers' Identities3.3 Identity as Membership3.4 Identity as Performance3.5 The Analytical Framework for This Research3.5.1 Self Reference3.5.2 Topic Analysis3.5.3 Politeness3.5.4 Exchange Structure3.5.5 Modality3.6 Halliday's Register TheoryChapter Four Discursive Construction of Teachers' Identities4.1 Discursive Construction of Teachers' Professional Identity4.1.1 The Agentive "I"4.1.2 Topic Control4.1.3 Low Degree of Politeness4.1.4 The IRF Structure4.1.5 High Modality4.2 Discursive Construction of Teachers' Personal Identity4.2.1 The Pronoun "I"4.2.2 Subjective Modality4.2.3 Personal Topics4.2.4 Concrete Construction of Personal Identity:A Case Study of Gender Construction4.3 Discursive Construction of Teachers' Relational Identity4.3.1 The Inclusive "We"4.3.2 Low Modality4.3.3 Shared Topics4.3.4 High Degree of Politeness4.4 Identity, Text and ContextChapter Five Conclusions5.1 Findings of the Study5.2 Implications of the Study5.3 Limitations and ProspectReferences
标签:教师身份论文; 话语构建论文; 英语课堂教学论文;