Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 Definition of Washback and Other Terms1.2 Classification of Washback1.2.1 Positive and Negative Washbacks1.2.2 Overt and Covert Washbacks1.3 Empirical Studies on Washback1.3.1 Empirical Studies on Washback Abroad1.3.2 Empirical Studies on Washback at Home1.4 SummaryChapter Two Theoretical Framework2.1 Alderson & Wall’s Hypotheses2.2 The PPP Washback Model2.3 Theoretical Framework of the Present StudyChapter Three Research Methodology3.1 Research Objectives3.2 Research Design3.2.1 Subjects3.2.2 Instruments3.3 Research Procedures and Data Collection3.3.1 Questionnaire3.3.2 Interview3.3.3 Classroom Observation3.4 SummaryChapter Four Results and Data Analysis4.1 Results from Questionnaire4.1.1 Personal Information of Participants4.1.2 Translation Test in the Reformed CET44.1.3 CE Translation Teaching and Learning4 .2 Results from Classroom Observation4.3 Results from Intervie4.4 SummaryChapter Five Findings and Suggestions5.1 Findings5.1.1 Perception of and Attitudes towards the Translation Test in the New CET45.1.2 Intensity of the Washback of the Translation Test in the New CET45.1.3 Overall Nature of the Washback of the Translation Test in the New CET45.1.4 Attitudes towards the Quality of the Translation Test in the New CET45.1.5 The Paper Design of the Translation Test in the New CET45.1.6 Materials of Teaching and Learning5.1.7 Different Views on Preparation5.1.8 Teaching and Learning Activities in the Classroom5.2 Suggestions5.2.1 To the Paper Design of the Translation Test in the New CET45.2.2 To CET Testing Committee and Administrators5.2.3 To CE Teachers5.2.4 To CE StudentsConclusionBibliographyAppendix IAppendix IIAcknowledgementsPublications
标签:大学英语四级考试翻译测试论文; 反拨效应论文; 大学英语翻译教学论文;
谈大学英语翻译教学 ——基于CET4翻译的反拨效应