Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Blacks as the Center of Crisis in the South1.2 The Writer as the Creative Center1.3 The Significance of the ThesisChapter 2 The Rising Attention of the Inhman Condition of the Blacks in The Sound and the Fury2.1 The Plot of the Work2.2 Different Views on the Blacks and the Whites2.2.1 The Descriptions of the Whites2.2.2 The Descriptions of the Blacks2.3 The Initial View of the RacesChapter 3 The Deep and All-round Exploration of the Chaotic Relationship in Go Down,Moses3.1 The Plot of the Work3.2 The Chaotic Relations between the Blacks and the Whites3.2.1 Miscegenation and Incest3.2.2 The Self-recognition of the Blacks and the Whites3.2.3 Other Aspects of Chaos3.3 The Deep Thought of the RacesChapter 4 The New and Moderate View on the Relationship between the Blacks and the Whites in Intruder in the Dust4.1 The Plot of the Work4.2 The New and Moderate Relationship between the Races4.2.1 The New and Moderate Trend in the Blacks4.2.2 The New and Moderate Trend in the Whites4.3 A Moderate View of the RacesChapter 5 The Limitation of Faulkner5.1 The Stereotypes of the Blacks5.2 Social, Historical and Family Influences5.3 Ignorance of the Inner World of the BlacksChapter 6 ConclusionWorks Cited攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果
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矛盾与困惑 ——《喧哗与骚动》,《去吧,摩西》和《坟墓闯入者》中看福克纳的种族观点