摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 The new situation of English language teaching1.2 The background of the research1.3 Problems of vocational school students' cross-cultural communication1.4 Objective of the paperChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Culture2.1.1 Definition2.1.2 Characteristics of culture2.1.3 Characteristics of culture2.2 The Relationship between culture and language2.2.1 Culture's Influence on Language2.2.2 Language's Influence on Culture2.3 Variation of culture2.3.1 Individualism and.Collectivism2.3.2 High-and Low context culture2.3.3 Power Distance2.3.4 Masculinity and Femininity2.4 The Relationship between culture and language2.4.1 Definitions of language2.4.2 The relationship2.5 The Relationship between culture and communication2.5.1 Concept of communication2.5.2 The relationship between culture and cross-cultural communication2.5.3 Cultural communication theory2.5.4 Emphasizing adjusting or adapting theory2.6 Differences between Chinese culture and English cultureChapter Three The research3.1 Hypothesis of the research3.2 Subjects3.3 Methods3.4 Procedure3.4.1 Questionnaire3.4.2 Experiments3.4.3 Tests3.5 Results and discussions3.5.1 Results and discussion of the questionnaires in the two classes3.5.2 Result of the test3.5.3 FindingsChapter four Implications4.1 The basic principles of cultural factors in English teaching4.1.1 Cognitive principle4.1.2 Comparative principle4.1.3 Assimilative principle4.1.4 Tolerant principle4.1.5 Appropriate principle and practical principle4.1.6 Scientific principle, flexible principle and persistent principleChapter Five Measures of teaching cultural factors at vocationalschools5.1 Existing Problems of Culture Teaching and Learning5.1.1 Misunderstanding about English Learning5.1.2 Improper Teaching and Learning Methods5.2 Suggestions on Cultural Teaching and Learning5.2.1 Increasing the Students' Practice5.2.2 Resource GatheringChapter six ConclusionReferencesAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAcknowledgements
标签:跨文化交际论文; 文化因素论文; 英语语言教学论文; 职业中专论文;