Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Pragmatic Translation & Dynamic Equivalence1.1 Pragmatics and translation1.2 Dynamic equivalence1.2.1 Author-centered or reader-centered1.2.2 Pragmatic equivalence1.3 Pragmatic translationChapter 2 Function and the Features of PD2.1 A brief study of PD and its language2.2 Categorization and function of PD2.3 The features of PD2.3.1 In general2.3.2 Features of subtypes2.4 A few principles of translation in light of the features and functions of PDChapter 3 Speech Acts and Illocutionary Force3.1 Speech act theory and its evolution3.2 Illocutionary force and perlocutioanry force3.2.1 Illocutionary force3.2.2 Perlocutionary effects3.3 Illocutionary force and PDTChapter 4 Relevance Theory in Translating PD4.1 Relevance theory4.1.1 The ostensive-inferential communication model4.1.2 Contextual effects4.2 Relevance theory to PDT4.2.1 Translation as an interpretive use4.2.2 Optimal relevance4.3 Strategies by relevance in PDT4.3.1 Translation strategy in light of relevance theory4.3.2 Decontextualization and recontextualizationChapter 5 Difficulties with PDT and Solutions5.1 Context-based problems in PDT: dynamic contextual adaptability5.2 Equivalent translation: equivalence in illocutionary and perlocutionary force5.3 Cognitive and pragmatic coherence5.4 Cultural problems: cultural conditioning5.5 Alternative translation: between translation and non-translationChapter 6 Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure in PDT6.1 Sociopragmatic failure in PDT6.1.1 Failure caused by different cultural associations6.1.2 Failure caused by use of taboo words6.1.3 Failure caused by different value systems6.2 Pragma-linguistic failure in PDT6.2.1.P artial understanding of pragmatic force6.2.2 Indiscriminate use of Chinese expressions and text structure6.3 Strategies to avoid pragmatic failure in PDT6.3.1.C atering to foreign readers’purchasing psychology6.3.2 Avoiding violation of product description language conventions6.3.3 Using free translation to free culture shock6.3.4 Conforming to the readership’s way of thinking6.3.5 Avoiding unhappy associationConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementResume
标签:说明书翻译论文; 言外之力论文; 最佳关联论文; 语用等效论文;