中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.1.1 Research orientation1.1.2 Research rational1.2 Research objects1.3 Key research questions1.4 Research hypotheses1.5 Design of the Study1.6 Layout of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Review on reading research2.1.1 The definition of reading2.1.2 Skills involed in reading2.1.3 Previous research on reading instruction2.1.4 Classification of reading instruction2.1.5 Problems of previous reading-instruction research2.2 General introduction to behaviorism2.2.1 The origin of behaviorism2.2.2 Characteristics of behaviorism in teaching2.2.3 What is missing in behaviorism2.3 An overview of constructivism2.3.1 The origin of constructivism2.3.2 What is constructivism in education2.3.3 Constructivist modes of foreign language teaching2.3.4 Principles of constructivisim in teaching2.3.5 What is missing in constructivism2.4 Comments on behaviorism and constructivism2.4.1 Comments on characteristics and limitations of behaviorism2.4.2 Comments on characteristics and limitations of constructivism2.5 Analysis on the English Curriculum Criterion2.6 Analysis on reading tasks in NMET2.7 Research questionsChapter Three Experimental Study3.1 A Survey and practical reading instruction3.1.1 Purpose of the questionnaire3.1.2 Results and analysis of the questionnaire before Experiment13.1.3 The necessity of the study3.1.4 Results and analysis of the questionnaire after Experiment23.2 Experiment13.2.1 Methods3.2.2 Subjects3.2.3 Materials3.2.4 Procedures3.2.5 Results and analyses3.3 Experiment23.3.1 Methods3.3.2 Subjects3.3.3 Materials3.3.4 Procedures3.3.5 Results and analyses3.4 Summary of the testsChapter Four Discussion and Conclusion4.1 Discussion4.1.1 Major findings4.1.2 Discussion4.1.3 Theoretical explanations4.2 Pedagogical implications4.3 Limitations of the research4.4 Future research's possibility4.5 ConclusionReferenceAppendixAppendix Ⅰ Questionnaire on reading teachingAppendix Ⅱ Reading pre-test of Experiment1Appendix Ⅲ Reading post-test of Experiment1/Pre-test of Experiment2Appendix Ⅳ Reading post-test of Experiment2Appendix Ⅴ Raw Scores of Pre-test in Experiment1Appendix Ⅵ Raw Scores of Post-test in Experiment1/Pre-test in Experiment2Appendix Ⅶ Raw Scores of Post-test in Experiment2Acknowledgements
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标签:阅读能力论文; 建构主义论文; 行为主义论文; 优势互补论文; 课外阅读教学模式论文;