
摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Background and Purpose of the Study1.2 Rationale and Significance of the Present Study1.3 Research Questions1.4 Research Methodology and Data Collection1.5 Dissertation StructureChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Previous Studies on the Chinese-English Translation of Corporate Profiles2.1.1 Researches from a linguistic perspective2.1.2 Researches from an intercultural perspective2.1.3 Researches from a functional perspective2.2 SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Framework: Skopostheorie3.1 Development of Functionalist Theory and Skopostheorie3.1.1 Katharina Reiss and the Functional Category of Translation Criticism3.1.2 Hans J. Vermeer: Skopostheorie and Beyond3.1.3 Justa Holz-Manttari and the Theory of Translational Action3.2 Basic Concepts of Skopostheorie3.2.1 Skopos, Aim, Purpose, Function and Intention3.2.2 Rules of Skopostheorie3.2.2.1 Skopos rule3.2.2.2 Coherence rule3.2.2.3 Fidelity rule3.2.3 Translation Brief3.2.4 CultureChapter Four Characteristics of Chinese and English Corporate Profile4.1 Definition of Corporate Profile4.2 Functions of Corporate Profile4.3 Characteristics of Chinese Corporate Profile4.3.1 Content4.3.2 Lexis4.3.2.1 Abstract and general words4.3.2.2 Adjectives and adverbs as modifiers4.3.3 Sentences4.3.3.1 Sentences filled up with verb-predicate clauses4.3.3.2 Sentences without logical connectives4.3.3.3 Exclamatory sentences4.3.4 Style4.3.5 Culture4.3.5.1 Honorable titles and awards4.3.5.2 Chinese culture-specific terms4.4 Characteristics of English Corporate Profile4.4.1 Content4.4.2 Lexis4.4.3 Sentences4.4.3.1 Sentences with subject-predicate clauses4.4.3.2 Sentences with logical connectives4.4.4 Style4.4.5 CultureChapter Five Translation Problems in the Chinese-English Translation of Corporate Profile5.1 Problems in the Chinese-English Translation of Corporate Profile5.2 Linguistic Translation Problems5.2.1 Lexical level5.2.1.1 Spelling Mistakes5.2.1.2 Poor Diction5.2.1.3 Word Redundancy5.2.2 Syntactic level5.2.2.1 Poor Structure5.2.2.2 Dangling Modifiers5.3 Cultural Translation Problems5.4 Analysis of the Causes of Translation Problems5.4.1 Ignoring the publicizing purpose of the corporate profile5.4.2 Neglecting expected target-text readers5.4.3 Pursuing the formal equivalence between target text and source text blindly5.5 SummaryChapter Six Chinese-English Translation Strategies of Corporate Profile Viewed in the Light of Skopostheorie6.1. The application of Skopostheorie into the Chinese-English Translation of Corporate Profile6.1.1 Skopos for the translation of corporate profile6.1.2 Translation Brief for the Chinese-English translation of corporate profile6.1.3 The application of three rules to Chinese-English translation of corporate profile6.2 The Chinese-English translation Strategies of Corporate Profiles in the Light of Skopostheorie6.2.1 Addition6.2.2 Deletion6.2.3 RestructuringChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Summary of Findings7.2 Limitations of the Present Study7.3 Suggestions for the Further StudiesReferencesAppendix AAppendix BAcknowledgements作者简介
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标签:中英企业简介的特征论文; 英译论文; 存在问题论文; 解决方法论文;